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Dr. Kevin Pistawka

Dr. Kevin Pistawka

Kelowna, BC

How will my doctor decide if I need a pacemaker?


If you have concerns about your heart rhythm, visit your physician to address this. Your physician may choose to record your heart rhythm, with an ECG, and may ask you to wear a heart recording device for 24 hours in order to determine if you have some rhythm disturbance. If your heart rhythm is too fast, you may be prescribed medication to lower it, or you may require a pacemaker if your heart rhythm is too slow.

kevin pistawka

How Do Different Pacemakers Work?

Dr. Heather Jenkins

Dr. Heather Jenkins

Family Doctor
Vancouver, BC

What is a Doulas and how can they help me during my pregnancy and delivery?


A doula is actually a higher trained woman, usually, who has a lot of experience around supporting women and their partners during pregnancy. They often have a lot of tricks up their sleeves about how to relax people, and get them calm so they can deal and cope well with the stresses of their labor. 

jenkins dulas

Doulas and Pregnancy

Dr. Pamela Squire

Dr. Pamela Squire

Pain Expert
Pain Specialist
Vancouver, BC

What medications are used for chronic pain?


There are a few classes of drugs used to treat chronic pain. One of them is analgesics, to provide pain relief. These range from acetaminophen all the way up to heavier pain control agents. Some antidepressants are useful in relieving chronic pain, and anticonvulsants may be used to treat nerve-related pain. Finally, a class of medications called cannabinoids, which may include medicinal marijuana, is sometimes used to control pain. You should speak with your doctor if you have questions about your pain management plan.

wrist exercise

How chronic pain is treated