Sports Health: Cycling

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Rachel Rubin-Sarganis

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Kristin Looby

Victoria, BC
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Cycling is a popular sport among people of all ages, whether it's for fun, fitness, or environmental reasons. Although some cycling injuries are impossible to avoid, you can reduce them by wearing proper equipment, being observant, and following safety rules. Common biking injuries include Achilles tendonitis, saddle sores, blisters and broken clavicles.

Although superficial soft tissue injuries and musculoskeletal trauma are the most common injuries, head injuries are responsible for most fatalities and long-term disabilities. Overuse injuries may contribute to a variety of musculoskeletal complaints, compression neuropathies, perineal and genital complaints. Physicians treating such patients should consider medical factors, as well as suggest adjusting various components of the bicycle, such as the seat height and handlebars. Encouraging bicycle riders to wear helmets is key to preventing injuries; protective clothing and equipment, and general safety advice also may offer some protection.

If you are looking for information on common cycling injuries and treatment options, you may want to consider the following specialists:

Physiotherapy is treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient's mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation of muscles and tendons and joints, injury prevention, and health and fitness. Physiotherapists are also great at getting you involved in your own recovery, often assigning you specialized exercises to do daily at home.

Chiropractors can treat back pain, neck pain, arthritis, headaches, physical injuries and more. They are spine, muscle and nervous system experts who specialize in assessing injuries and pain, diagnosing, treating and developing care plans to keep you moving.

Massage therapists assess and treat soft tissues and joints of the body. Their work helps improve and maintain good health and treat pain from injuries and physical disorders.  Massage therapy can promote blood flow to muscles that are fatigued or that have suffered an injury.   

Remember to verify the information provided by contacting the healthcare providers directly, as network participation and availability can vary over time. Find local massage therapists physiotherapists and personal trainers to help with strength and conditioning if you are experiencing arthritis.