Men's Health: Peyronie's Disease

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Peyronie’s Disease Symptoms and Treatment Options

Peyronie's disease is a connective tissue disorder. It affects the penis and causes fibrous scar tissue to develop. As a result, the penis curves during erections. Some men experience painful erections and sexual issues. For most men, the cause of Peyronie’s disease is minor injury to the penis. Other causes include genetics, age and health conditions like diabetes.

Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease

Men with this condition may experience one or more of the following:

  • An upward, downward, or side bend in the penis
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Plaques or hard lumps under the skin

Diagnosis and Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease

The most common way this condition is diagnosed is with a physical exam. Your doctor will check the degree of penile curvature and feel for scar tissue. In some cases, an ultrasound is also performed to make the diagnosis.
Your treatment plan will depend on how severe your Peyronie’s disease symptoms and degree of curvature are.

Treatments for Peyronie’s Disease include:

  • Oral medications like pentoxifylline
  • Injection therapy to break down scar tissue
  • Shockwave therapy to break down plaques and reduce curvature.
  • Penile traction therapy to stretch the penis 
  • Plication surgery to straighten the penis
  • Plaque incision/excision and grafting to remove scar tissue and straighten the penis

If your Peyronie’s disease is severe, your physician or urologist may recommend penile implants, especially if you also have erectile dysfunction.

For more information on Peyronie’s disease, talk to your healthcare provider.