LESLEY STANDERWICK, Kinesiologist, Nanaimo, BC



Nanaimo, BC
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Lesley Standerwick is a Registered Kinesiologist who believes in training with purpose to help clients achieve their goals and live their best lives. She tailors her approach to each individual, whether they are seeking pain management, addressing repetitive stress from work, or training for a specific sport or competition. Functional training is one of Lesley's specializations and interests in her practice. She focuses on helping clients improve their overall function and quality of life, whether they are recovering from an injury and going through rehabilitation or working on strength training. She finds it rewarding to see clients regain their function and achieve success. Additionally, Lesley has experience working with patients who require care through ICBC programs. Outside of the clinic, Lesley enjoys spending time hiking with her dogs and engaging in various water activities such as paddling, swimming, and kiteboarding. She is also passionate about sports like basketball, softball, and volleyball. Watching her three children play sports brings her joy. Lesley has a creative side as well and enjoys creating, building, and crafting. In fact, she also owns Craft Fare, a taproom and eatery in downtown Nanaimo. Lesley loves working with Island Optimal because she is part of a passionate team that delivers a holistic approach to health. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are dedicated to helping others aligns with her values and allows her to contribute to a comprehensive approach to wellness.
( LESLEY STANDERWICK, Kinesiologist, Nanaimo, BC) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services or  treatment from a local kinesiologist in the office or hospital from a Kinesiologist, contact a provider such as ( LESLEY STANDERWICK ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.   Phone number to book an appointment 250-756-4647 ( LESLEY STANDERWICK ) is in good standing with the  The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / L’Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie (CKA / ACK) and the could be a member in good standing with the The Ontario Kinesiology Association (OKA) or the BC Association of Kinesiologists (BCAK) and the The Alberta Kinesiology Association or the Le professionnel de la santé spécialiste de l’activité physique

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( LESLEY STANDERWICK, Kinesiologist Nanaimo, BC ). 
( LESLEY STANDERWICK, Kinesiologist Nanaimo, BC ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your local kinesiologist about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to treatments and procedures the local kinesiologist could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information is the corner stone to understanding your condition or disease.

Please contact ( LESLEY STANDERWICK, Kinesiologist Nanaimo, BC ) to enquire if this local kinesiologist  is accepting new patients.


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This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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