Managing Lower Back Pain With Lifestyle Changes " John a 53-year-old business man "

Case study ( 8380 views as of February 3, 2025 )

John is a 53-year-old business man complaining about a sore lower back. John is approximately 40 pounds overweight and sits for 8-10 hours a day. He exercises infrequently even though he knows he should do more. John smokes 10-20 cigarettes a day and eats irregularly, however, when he does eat he tends to overeat. John claims to sleep about 5-6 hours a night which he feels is not enough and complains of feeling tired a lot.

Upon examination by his physician, it is apparent his hip flexors are extremely tight, his rotation in his trunk is almost non-existent and his hamstrings are extremely weak due to sitting too much. John is referred by his family physician to a fitness program, with either a physiotherapist or a chiropractor for his lower back issues which includes a stretching program. John could benefit from going to yoga not only to improve his flexibility and back issues, but to improve his sleeping patterns. His family physician also feels John could benefit from seeing a nutritionist to learn more about healthy eating. Lastly, John has agreed to see a specialist about his smoking in hopes that he can soon quit.

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Conversation based on: Managing Lower Back Pain With Lifestyle Changes " John a 53-year-old business man "

Managing Lower Back Pain With Lifestyle Changes " John a 53-year-old business man "