Personal Experiences - William and Mental Health Stigmas in Society

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Personal Experiences - William, a university student, talks about the stigma around Mental Health in society.
Personal Experiences - William, a university student, talks about the stigma around Mental Health in society.
Video transcript

Featuring William, University Student

Duration: 1 minute, 2 seconds

I definitely don’t think people should be worried or ashamed of the stigma, and it’s not surprising where the stigma comes from.

I mean, growing up there’s a lot of jokes, a lot of ways that people look at mental health issues that you make like “That was so OCD of me” or “Are you acting bi-polar?” These are actual, real disorders that even if you don’t mean to sort of make serious fun of someone who has them, by using, by accepting that jokes are okay in that sort of light.

If you look at it like that it’s not surprising why it’s hard for people who actually from very serious mental health diseases to say “Actually I do have this” or “I do struggle with that” and “It’s not good, it’s something that I have to live with.”

Presenter: Student Testimonials UBC, Uncategorized, ,

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