Case study ( 14491 views as of March 7, 2025 )
Erin is a 34-year-old married mother of two young children, and works as a store manager. She presents to her family doctor complaining that it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to function at work because she is constantly having trouble concentrating, and is also feeling exhausted all the time because she sleeps poorly at night. On further questioning, she reports that for the past year or so since her eldest child started going to school, she has been feeling very anxious about how he is doing in school, including whether she packed the right lunch for him, whether he has the right school materials, how he is interacting with the other kids, etc. This worrying has also spread to other parts of her life, and she has been fretting about her family’s finances, about the right foods to buy for her family, and also about issues at work. Her husband has been telling her that she worries way too much, and she acknowledges that there is no good reason why she should be worrying so much, but yet can’t seem to control these worries. These constant ruminations are what keep her up at night and prevent her from sleeping. She has also been feeling on-edge, irritable with her husband and children, and having a lot of stomach aches and loose stools.
Treatment: This patient is diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She is referred to a psychologist for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
Author: Dr. Marc Miresco
Conversation based on: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment " Erin a 34-year-old married mother of two young children"
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment " Erin a 34-year-old married mother of two young children"