Fitness enthusiast and lover of all things food, Jana is passionate about helping her clients improve their relationship with food and their body. She is a strong, motivational leader. Jana also offers the balance of a warm, supportive coaching style to nudge her clients from their comfort zone while feeling safe and supported. Originally from a small town in Nova Scotia, Jana grew up cooking hearty comfort food in the family kitchen and playing any sport she could. Jana moved to the Prairies to study Mechanical Engineering and to play competitive basketball for the University of Saskatchewan. After studying nutrition on the side for some time, she decided to make the switch from engineering and dive into the field of nutrition. As a high-level athlete, Jana saw firsthand the impact that nutrition can have on sports performance. She tweaked her own nutrition and saw great benefits in her achievements, strength and recovery time. This further sparked her interest in nutrition and learning as much as she could about sports nutrition for athletes and recreational fitness enthusiasts in the gym. Jana has developed a niche in working with recovering yo-yo dieters, eating disorders and mental health clients. She is a knowledgeable presence who will help complex clients achieve nutrition goals at a pace they are comfortable with. Jana’s philosophy focuses on finding the balance between health, fitness, enjoyment of all foods (including her favorite treats of date squares and fresh baked cookies) and body positivity. Jana has a very rare background of being both a sports nutritionist and an eating disorder dietitian. She has a special interest in helping athletes find the balance between using nutrition as their competitive edge and maintaining a healthy relationship with food and their body image. Jana has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of Saskatchewan. She completed her accredited dietetic internship through the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region. Jana is registered with the College of Dietitians of Alberta and the College of Dietitians of Ontario. She has experience working with clients who are engaged in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. Jana has completed her Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology and is registered as a Canadian Certified Counsellor (C.C.C.). Jana continues to be a fitness enthusiast today. She loves hiking, running, biking, basketball and “lifting heavy” things for fun in the gym. She enjoys chasing her nieces and nephews around, coaching girls basketball and travel. Jana believes in living the healthiest life that you can honestly enjoy!
If you are looking for local services or treatment in the office or hospital from a Registered Dietitian, contact a provider such as ( Jana Spindler ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral. Phone number to book an appointment 800-268-9487
The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Jana Spindler, Registered Dietitian Calgary, AB ).
( Jana Spindler, Registered Dietitian Calgary, AB ), ( Jana Spindler ) is in good standing with the Dietitians of Canada,
Keywords: Healthy Eating: Healthy Protein, Healthy Eating: Diets and Weigt Loss, Healthy Eating: Inflammatory Foods & Nutrition, Healthy Eating: Truth About Fast Food, Healthy Eating: Digestion and Digestive Disorders
Always talk with your Registered Dietitian about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to High Fibre vs Low Fibre Diet treatments and procedures the Registered Dietitian could perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information from your Registered Dietitian is the corner stone to understanding Protein in conjunction with your condition or disease.
Please contact ( Jana Spindler, Registered Dietitian Calgary, AB ) to enquire if this health care provider is accepting new patients.