Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist, Montreal, QC

Dr. Renaud Duval

Dr. Renaud Duval

Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Montreal, QC
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Dr. Renaud Duval Bio

Dr. Renaud Duval,  ophthalmologist, Montrealis a vitreoretinal surgeon specializing in the care of diseases of the posterior segment of the eye. Le Dr Renaud Duval a obtenu son doctorat en médecine de l'Université McGill et sa résidence en ophtalmologie de l'Université de Montréal. Il a complété un fellowship en chirurgie vitréo-rétinienne à Chicago, dans l'Illinois, à l'Université Rush et à Illinois Retina Associates. Il est un ophtalmologiste certifié et spécialisé dans la prise en charge des maladies médicales et chirurgicales de la rétine. Il est actuellement professeur adjoint au Département d'ophtalmologie de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Montréal. Il est directeur des fellowships en ophtalmologie à l'Université de Montréal. Il a une pratique chirurgicale très active en tant que chef de la rétine au Centre universitaire d’ophtalmologie - Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont où il voit des patients, opère, enseigne aux étudiants en médecine et aux résidents et forme des boursiers en vitréo-rétine. Il a co-écrit un chapitre de livre sur la vitrectomie pour la réparation des décollements de la rétine et a publié de nombreux articles évalués par des pairs. Il a présenté à plusieurs conférences internationales. Il a participé à 6 essais cliniques en tant que chercheur principal ou co-investigateur. Il a remporté de nombreux prix pour ses vidéos chirurgicales, qui ont été présentées localement et internationalement. Ses intérêts de recherche comprennent la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge, la rétinopathie diabétique, l'intégration d'algorithmes d'apprentissage profond pour l'analyse des images du fond d'œil et des OCT, la télé-ophtalmologie et l'innovation chirurgicale à travers le développement de nouveaux outils chirurgicaux. Prix et distinctions 2019 Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, Chicago, IL; Microscope-integrated intraoperative OCT in the management of large macular holes. 2018 Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, Vancouver, BC; YAG-vitreolysis-induced crystalline lens damage ultimately leads to severe posterior segment complication. 2016 Rhett Buckler Award, ASRS Film Festival, San Francisco, CA; Endoscopic view of ARGUS II retinal prosthesis insertion. 2015 ASRS Junior Achievement Award, ASRS, Vienna, Austria. Dr. Renaud Duval is a vitreoretinal surgeon specializing in the care of diseases of the posterior segment of the eye. After obtaining his medical degree with distinction from McGill University, he completed a 5-year training in ophthalmology at the University of Montreal. His training then continued in Chicago, Illinois, where he over-specialized in vitreoretinal surgery. Upon his return to Montreal, Dr. Duval joined the ophthalmology department of the University of Montreal as an assistant professor and joined the retina service of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital. At the University of Montreal, holds the position of director of the fellowship program in ophthalmology. He is also a member of the steering committee of the ophthalmology department of the University of Montreal and head of the retina service at the Center Universitaire d'Ophtalmologie de l'Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont. Dr. Renaud Duval,  ophthalmologist, Montreal has received numerous academic awards and research grants. His surgical videos have been presented at multiple international conferences and have won several awards and accolades. His research activities focus on the development of new surgical technologies and the medical application of computer advances in the field of artificial intelligence and remote screening. Dr. Renaud Duval,  ophthalmologist, Montreal is co-investigator of several international multicenter research projects. He is the author of multiple peer-reviewed scientific publications, as well as a book chapter.

Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist, Montreal, QC Is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Canadian Ophthalmological Society and the Canadian Medical Association Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist, Montreal, QC

Keywords :Eye Health: Optician Services , Eye Health: Glaucoma Eye Health: Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Health: Macular Degeneration, Eye Health: Eye Care and Vision Testing, Eye Health: Laser Refractive Surgery, Eye Health: Cataracts

Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist, Montreal, QC

( Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist, Montreal, QC) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services  from your Local Ophthalmologist or  treatment  in the office or hospital from a Ophthalmologist, contact a provider such as ( Dr. Renaud Duval )  Is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Canadian Ophthalmological Society and the Canadian Medical Association

Kewords: Eye Health: Vitrectomy Surgery, Eye Health: Intravitreal Injections, Eye Health: Retinal Detachment Eye Health: Macular Holes, Eye Health: Dry Eye, Eye Health: Implantable Collamer Lens, Eye Health: Fuchs' Dystrophy

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist Montreal, QC ).  
( Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist Montreal, QC ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your Local Ophthalmologist about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to What are intravitreal injections?  treatments and procedures the Local Ophthalmologist could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good informationfrom your Local Ophthalmologist is the corner stone to understanding What is a retinal detachment?  your condition or disease.

 Seeing your local ophthalmologist and/or local optometrist is one of the ways you can ensure that your blood glucose levels are well controlled and you can protect your kidneys and other organs.

Please contact ( Dr. Renaud Duval, Ophthalmologist Montreal, QC ) to enquire if this health care provider is accepting new patients. Glaucoma is an eye disease caused by a buildup of intraocular pressure (IOP). Your eyes have clear liquid that flows in and out, but if you have glaucoma, this liquid doesn’t drain properly, causing this buildup of IOP pressure. Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which is made up of nerve fibers and transmits images from the eye to your brain. If you have a condition known as ocular hypertension, which is a result of high ocular pressure, your risk of developing glaucoma increases.Your optometrist or ophthalmologist may want to lower your IOP as a preventative measure.

Our eye works a lot like a camera. In order for us to see clearly, the Cornea has light has to be focused by a lens. We are all born with a lens inside our eye that does this job for us and in early life it is crystal clear. As we age, this lens can become cloudy and begin to block light or create blur. We call this change in the lens a “cataract”.

Fortunately, cataracts are treatable through surgery. During cataract surgery, the clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). This procedure is highly successful in restoring clear vision for most people, allowing them to see more clearly and improve their quality of life.


Ratings for Dr. Renaud Duval

  • 3
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    Dr. Renaud Duval is an excellent Vitreoretinal Surgeon Ophthalmologist in Montreal, QC
    Submitted: January 20, 2023

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