Dr. Rita Affleck, Family Doctor, Cochrane, AB

HealthChoicesFirst practitioner

Dr. Rita Affleck

Family Doctor
Cochrane, AB
Bio & Education  
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Dr. Rita Affleck Bio

( Dr. Rita Affleck, Family Doctor, Cochrane, AB) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services or  treatment  in the office or hospital from a Family Doctor, contact a provider such as ( Dr. Rita Affleck ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.   Phone number to book an appointment (705) 272-4331  office ( Dr. Rita Affleck ) is  in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons ( Dr. Rita Affleck ) is in good stanfding with the Canadian Medical Association The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Rita Affleck, Family Doctor Cochrane, AB ) office.

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Rita Affleck, Family Doctor Cochrane, AB ). 
( Dr. Rita Affleck, Family Doctor Cochrane, AB ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your  local Family Doctor about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to Gynecomastia treatments and procedures the local Family Doctor could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information from local Family Doctor is the corner stone to understanding What is Otosclerosis your condition or disease.

Ratings for Dr. Rita Affleck

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    Rita is a compulsive hoarder and genital mutilator, this is same genital mutilator from Cochrane, Ontario and now she is intimidating her older sister Joanne with Voodoo related to Genital Mutilation which is just as legal as killing slaves for 427 years in the US. Just think if all a voodoo practitioner needs is an inanimate doll what kinds of affects will a real human and perfect precious baby have when you are mutilating it beyond repair. Rita does these wrongs because she knows they are wrong and then she is a blame shifting MONSTER or what could also be referred to NEGATIVE PRAYER. Rita is a NIHILIST SECULARIST who is STUMPY and she looks like a demon from hell covered in several layers of fat and blubber, she knows intutivley she is unattractive to the opposite sex so she plays sick games with things that are obviously illegal but permissable, this is just like killing slaves for over 427 years, it's perfectly legal. by the way what I am primarily talking about is "circumcision" which is genital mutilation, remove the veil from your eyes, Rita is a pathological liar and she even sacrificed her own three sons in this way, and then as a side note she loves to abort female babies which she did with several of her own hypothetical babies to torment her husband and to do further voodoo. She is also now "circumcising" baby girls, and then she is fighting for euthanasia legalization everywhere by killing the sick, elderly and disabled everywhere to compensate for the social security they would receive compared to the pension that she is fraudulently earning by barley working as a "coroner" which she barley works in that regard as most people that are going to die are shipped off to other towns that are out of the jurisdiction of "Cochrane."
    Submitted: July 25, 2018

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