Airplane and Travel Comfort - Back and Neck Pain Prevention

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Jackson Sayers, BSc (Kinesiology), discusses Airplane and Travel Comfort - Back and Neck Pain Prevention..
Jackson Sayers, BSc (Kinesiology), discusses Airplane and Travel Comfort - Back and Neck Pain Prevention..
Video transcript

Featuring Jackson Sayers, BSc (Kinesiology)

Duration: 1 minute

Lower back injuries are one of the most common problems seen by chiropractors.

To help keep pre-existing injuries at bay, put a little pillow right at the bottom of your back. Keep the back pillow there for the entire flight, as there is no lumbar support in airline seats.

If you're not as tall as the average person and your legs don't quite hit the ground, it can help your back to put something under your feet. Getting up and walking around is also necessary to minimize injury pain. Walk the aisles regularly during the flight to give your body a break.

If you have questions about flying posture, contact a local physiotherapist or kinesiologist.

Presenter: Mr. Jackson Sayers, Kinesiologist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Kinesiologist

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This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.