Dr. Adrianna Arkilander, Emergency Physician, Guelph, ON

Dr. Adrianna Arkilander

Dr. Adrianna Arkilander

Emergency Physician
Guelph, ON
Bio & Education  

Dr. Adrianna Arkilander Bio

Dr. Arkilander is a practicing emergency room physician in Southwestern Ontario. She received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Guelph and her Doctor of Medicine from McMaster University. She completed her residency at McMaster and has over 10 years of experience in adult and paediatric medicine.
( Dr. Adrianna Arkilander, Emergency Physician, Guelph, ON) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services or  treatment  in the office or hospital from a Emergency Physician, contact a provider such as ( Dr. Adrianna Arkilander ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.   Phone number to book an appointment (519) 822-5350

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Adrianna Arkilander, Emergency Physician Guelph, ON ). 
( Dr. Adrianna Arkilander, Emergency Physician Guelph, ON ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your health care practitioner about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to treatments and procedures the healthcare practitioner could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information is the corner stone to understanding your condition or disease.

Please contact ( Dr. Adrianna Arkilander, Emergency Physician Guelph, ON ) to enquire if this health care provider is accepting new patients.


Ratings for Dr. Adrianna Arkilander

  • 1
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    This woman should NOT be allowed to be a doctor of any kind. She has zero bedside manor, does not actually listen when being spoken to, and when she messes up and gets called out on it, even politely, she has you removed from the emergency room? Unreal. Don't even bother posting a fake review on yourself doc, it's blatantly obvious when you do with your fake self hype.
    Submitted: April 12, 2024
  • 1
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    If you get this doctor please request door another. She's probably the RUDEST person I have met yet. Thankfully a nurse overheard the conversation and gave us Guelph generals patient relations email to report her because of how disgustingly rude she was. We were asking questions as she was trying to tell me "you have no symptoms of anything" like why do you think I came in then? Then proceeded to tell us to LEAVE after we said "excuse me? We are just asking questions on the next steps". Will be reporting her.
    Submitted: April 12, 2024
  • 1
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    This doctor was so RUDE she had zero bed side manner while attending to my FOUR year old . Instead of reading the x rays for her she proceeded to ask me ( the mother) and judge me why I didn’t bring her in the night prior as opposed to the morning . She obviously has no knowledge on how to read x rays and she even read them wrong 2 x told me there was no break or fracture , did not tell me to ice, elevate or compress it , nor did she offer me a sling! She sent us home and simply said to follow up with my doctor . Now three days later I have gone to McMaster where they instantly saw a fracture on my daughters elbow! She is now in a cast and a sling. She sent my daughter home in that much pain and did not give a cAre in the world. I would never want this to happen to another child , my daughter could have knocked it and made it so much worse ! Do not bring your children to this hospital if they have physicians like this working there . My daughter deserved compassion and the proper care , this doctor needs to think hard about the way she treats patients.
    Submitted: November 14, 2023
  • 1
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    This doctor sent me home with unresolved chest pain (was NOT muscle related, it was truly due to an arrhythmia). Never go to this hospital.
    Submitted: February 04, 2023
  • 1
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    This doctor did not check my chart before treating me. Sent me home to pass a kidney stone on my own. Accused me of just wanting pain meds. Sent me home with blood in my urine refusing to treat me. She assumed I just wanted pain meds because I have been treated with narcotics in the past for severe abdominal pains and many diagnoses to go along with that pain. I am not an addict by any means. I am a Mother to two children, a successful Behaviour Therapist in a successful marriage. I have no need for drugs except for when I am in pain worse then labour and throwing up nonstop. Dr.akilander, please be more compassionate. Please check charts before treating patients. I understand the ER is really busy but please slow down and listen to your patients. I told you everything about myself. I answered every question truthfully and thoroughly. For you to pass judgement on me and tell all the nurses to be mean to me as well, this was not right. I have never been so hurt, mistreated and embarrassed in my life. Please do better. Please don't do this to another patient.
    Submitted: June 20, 2022
  • 5
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    This doctor saved my life in the ER when my symptoms were being brushed off as anxiety. She caught it and I was treated and lived. The world is blessed to have doctors such as her.
    Submitted: June 12, 2022
  • 1
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    The most rude and condescending doctor I have ever met. Even the nurses I spoke to in the ER regarding her bedside manners and compassion stated that they are not surprised when I explained how arrogant the doctor was. The nurses even agreed. Would never hope to be in her presence, or have a loved one seen by her. Take a course on bedside manner.
    Submitted: May 21, 2022
  • 5
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    Fantastic Dr. I had the best and most compassionate care from her at GGH. Reading the first review us puzzling to me as this physician was exceptionally knowlegable. Unfortunately the previous writer appears to have written in anger and it sounds like the injury wasn't all that serious, like a sprain.
    Submitted: March 29, 2020
  • 1
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    This was the worst experience I’ve had with a physician. The bedside manner was terrible, she lacked any knowledge on analyzing an x ray and could not articulate the extent of my injury. There was no plan of action, no tensor band given or splint to support my ankle (and it’s extremely cold right now in guelph) and there was no reference to my xrays at all. This physician was condescending, laughed at me to other professionals working, and didn’t give me a note when I clearly was unable to walk, bear weight on my foot or move around without the use of a wheelchair. She was rude, laughed at me to the other doctors and then never followed up. The instance ending with my being discharged with my crutches and taken to the waiting room where I called and explained how poor their efforts were and they eventually came and wrap my foot up and gave me a doctors note. Guelph general hospital is merely a clinic with several professionals working there. At least that’s is what I concluded from my experience
    Submitted: November 18, 2019

Emergency Physician Health Talks – Take a look at your local options in Guelph

  • vanlaeken reconstructive burn
    If you suffer an Acute Hand Laceration, it's important to seek treatment right away. While you may follow up with your family doctor, you'll most likely go to the emergency department at your local hospital first. Contact a local Emergency Physician in Guelph, ON, such as Dr. Adrianna Arkilander.
  • vanlaeken reconstructive burn
    When considering treatment options for an Infected Wound, the family doctor might be your first thought. However, if the wound or infection is more serious, you might need to consider a local Emergency Physician in Guelph, ON, such as Dr. Adrianna Arkilander.
  • graham wong
    After a Heart Attack, you may work with a team of health care providers – from cardiac rehab specialists to nutritionists – but in the acute stages you need to seek emergency care right away. You may see an Emergency Physician in Guelph, ON, such as Dr. Adrianna Arkilander.
  • stroke
    When it comes to Managing Stroke in an Elderly Patient, timely intervention can mean the difference between life and death. If a patient is experiencing stroke symptoms, he or she should seek emergency care. See a local Emergency Physician in Guelph, ON, such as Dr. Adrianna Arkilander.

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