Kelowna Cardiology Associates
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Kelowna Cardiology Associates has 9 medical doctors working at the centre; three are interventional cardiologists and six are general cardiologists. Consults are done at the office on a referral basis only. Referrals must be made by the patient's general practitioner. Services offered by our clinic: 1.Treadmill stress testing 2.Private stress testing for insurance 3.Holter monitors 4.Outpatient ECGs Procedures such as angiography and angioplasty are performed in the cath lab at Kelowna General Hospital. After a cardiac incident, rehabilitation is recommended to be done at the COACH (Central Okanagan Association for Cardiac Health) clinic, which is located right above the cardiology office at #204 - 2622 Pandosy Street. There, the patients will receive very informative post-cardiac incident care from exercise specialists, dieticians, pharmacists, etc. Patients will also learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle. *Please keep in mind that our office is a scent-free environment for everyone's comfort. Please do not wear any colognes or perfumes to your appointment.

The Physicians at Kelowna Cardiology Associates are in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Kevin Pistawka , Cardiologist, Kelowna  is in good standing with the   Canadian Cardiovascular Association and the Canadian Medical Association


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Kelowna Cardiology Associates Practitioners