Treating Injuries with the R.I.C.E. Regime

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Matthew Powell, MCPA, FCAMT, CGIMS, discusses the RICE regime.

Matthew Powell, MCPA, FCAMT, CGIMS, discusses the RICE regime.

Video transcript

Featuring Matthew Powell, MCPA, FCAMT, CGIMS, Physiotherapist

Duration: 1 minute, 14 seconds

The R.I.C.E. regime is short for rest, ice, compression and elevation, and it’s the routine that is advised immediately following any soft tissue injury.

At the time of injury, bleeding occurs immediately into the tissues, and we want to contain that bleeding to just that that occurred with the original injury. Any bleeding on top of that, and we end up with too much scar tissue, that becomes a problem as the injury progresses in its healing.

“R” is for rest, this allows the blood vessels to plug with the clot and extra motion just forces the blood out of the tissues. “I” stands for ice, and that helps to narrow the blood vessels and restrict blood coming into the area.

“C” for compression, usually through a tensor wrap, and this helps to control swelling in the area, and “E” for elevation, keeping the area elevated helps drainage from the area.

After that 48 hour period, consult with a physiotherapist for assessment of the injury, and they can advise you on what would be the most appropriate management then going forward.

Presenter: Mr. Matthew Powell, Physiotherapist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Physiotherapist

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