Dr. Robert Pastre, Family Doctor, Sudbury, ON

HealthChoicesFirst practitioner

Dr. Robert Pastre

Family Doctor
Sudbury, ON
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Dr. Robert Pastre Bio

( Dr. Robert Pastre, Family Doctor, Sudbury, ON) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services or  treatment  in the office or hospital from a Family Doctor, contact a provider such as ( Dr. Robert Pastre ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.   Phone number to book an appointment (705) 222-1364  office ( Dr. Robert Pastre ) is  in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons ( Dr. Robert Pastre ) is in good stanfding with the Canadian Medical Association The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Robert Pastre, Family Doctor Sudbury, ON ) office.

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Robert Pastre, Family Doctor Sudbury, ON ). 
( Dr. Robert Pastre, Family Doctor Sudbury, ON ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your  local Family Doctor about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to Gynecomastia treatments and procedures the local Family Doctor could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information from local Family Doctor is the corner stone to understanding What is Otosclerosis your condition or disease.

Ratings for Dr. Robert Pastre

  • 1
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    I met him through a clinic and after 7 months of multiple test he had no clue of what it could be. I booked myself into Lockwood Clinic and after 3 days was diagnosed with possible spinal stenosis and suggested on my return to seek a specialist and have an mri done on my spine to reconfirn and to further diagnois the stenosis. When I returned he took me on as his own patient but had 3 appointments at his office before he would see me. When I did get in I gave him copies of every test Lockwood had did including their conclusion of having sinal stenosis. He stated that to see a specialist was not necessary as they wouldnt operate anyway and proceeded to give me the title of a book with a foreword written by Lance Armstrong about strengthening the core basically a series of excercises. I did and excerised for aprox 3 months to no avail. The next follow up he suggested to see a chiropractor for 6 weeks that would only use a tens machine on my back because not wanting to injure my back further because he didnt have a mri. After that time Covid had hit and he cancel my in office and called me at work and I told him after 4 months of treatment nothing was working and strongly suggested to see a specialist and get a mri. He got angry and said he didnt like my tone and said he was doing me a favor by calling during covid and that if I didnt like to find another doctor. I reminded him that it had been over a year that he was my primary health provider and even with the Lockwood files was no closer than before. He said okay then it would be best to seek another caregiver and not to bother making anymore appointments because he would instruct his staff not to book any, and then hung up! I would suggest going to a clinic that see this man!
    Submitted: November 30, 2022
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    I’m a 50yr old Lady and I’ve had lot of doctors in my life and I’m sorry but this individual is the worst person I’ve ever dealt with. A family physician is someone you can trust with everything in your life whether it be emotional, physical anything by any means and for the first time in my life this person not o my doesn’t listen or care but he constantly talks at me. To the point that I always try to have a witness ‘cause when I don’t he simply blows me off and tries to get rid of me ASAP. I have always had great and more than that relationships with all my doctors but this individual picks and chooses who he wants as a patient and most are families with kids as he is a young father. But honestly I’ve never been so disrespected from a doctor anywhere. I’ve lived in TO and actually my family Doc kept me on his roaster for almost 10 years because he knew my health was at risk so between him and the Clinic doctors they were my saving grace, and since then I still rely on the clinics because my GP is rarely available and when he is…HE’S ALL ABOUT HIS EGO AND DOES’NT LISTEN TO HIS PATIENTS ! I hear this all the time from nurses, reception, PSW, administration at the several sites here in Sudbury, and various social workers and psychologists When you mention this individual as your GP most doctor will not comment as it’s a code within the system but if they believe that they good they always vocalize it! SO PEOPLE IF OTHER INDIVIDUALS FROM THE MEDICAL FEILD DON’T GIVE YOUR DOC A THUMBS UP YOU SHOULD TAKE THAT UNDER ADVISEMENT This is no joke, unfortunately some people are not there for the right reasons, maybe for the GOD COMPLEX or the money…It happens all the time so just be ware if your Doc doesn’t listen to you, you should consider other avenues. I KNOW MY GP HAS TREATED ME LIKE A PERIA BECAUSE I HAVE A LOT OF ISSUES YET EVERY OTHER DOC I DEAL WITH ARE COMPLETELY EASY TO COMMUNICATE WITH! I will NOT say his name but most in the medical field know who he is, OUR UP AND COMING STAR… BULLSHIT HE’S MOO OK RE ABOUT THE TITLE THAN THE HELP AND WORK!!!!!!
    Submitted: October 06, 2022
  • 2
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    Rather than suggesting and promising referrals, they need to be follow up on so they are not forgotten. Patients that have complex issues need to be seen at the office not the clinic.
    Submitted: February 20, 2022
  • 3
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    Dr. Pastre does not listen well and is sloooow in following up with tests and reports. Often forgets what tests have been done..
    Submitted: July 07, 2021

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