Dr. Ken Satake, Family Doctor, North Vancouver, BC

HealthChoicesFirst practitioner

Dr. Ken Satake

Family Doctor
North Vancouver, BC
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Dr. Ken Satake Bio

Dr. Ken Satake, MD, Family Doctor, North Vancouver  Is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada,and the Canadian Medical Association

 Keywords: Atopic Dermatitis, Chronic Sinusitis,Sleep Apnea,  Hypothyroidism  Shingles,   Benefits of Eggplant,  Celiac Disease, Obesity, Asthma and Understanding Medication Treatments, Asthma and COPD Treatment With Inhalers, Allergy Symptoms and Management

Dr. Ken Satake, MD, Family Doctor, North Vancouver 

( Dr. Ken Satake, Family Doctor, North Vancouver, BC) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services or  treatment  in the office or hospital from a Family Doctor, contact a provider such as ( Dr. Ken Satake ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.   Phone number to book an appointment 604-980-0012  office ( Dr. Ken Satake ) is  in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons ( Dr. Ken Satake ) is in good stanfding with the Canadian Medical Association The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Ken Satake, Family Doctor North Vancouver, BC ) office.

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Ken Satake, Family Doctor North Vancouver, BC ). 
( Dr. Ken Satake, Family Doctor North Vancouver, BC ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your  local Family Doctor about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to Gynecomastia treatments and procedures the local Family Doctor could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information from local Family Doctor is the corner stone to understanding What is Otosclerosis your condition or disease.


Ratings for Dr. Ken Satake

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    約1年半前(2021年)、私たちの大切な家族も(がん)を患い、専門家や病院への詳しい検査の紹介を拒否したり怠ったりしたために亡くなりました。 私たちは彼のクリニックを繰り返し不必要に訪問し、合計6回行きました。 紹介もまったくなく、役に立つ助けもまったくありません。 すべての苦情を読んだところ、2007 年以来、非紹介、再任、深刻な能力問題というパターンが繰り返されているようです...非常にショックです... 私たちはこの医師に約10年間診てもらっていますが、血圧や脈拍などを一度も検査してもらったことはありません。 「聴診器を使うことはありますか?」と聞いたときだけ。 その後、彼は反応して私たちの心臓と肺をチェックします。 これはあまり安全な練習方法ではありません。 あるとき、私たちが「痛みの原因は何ですか?」と尋ねたとき、彼は「うーん...わかりません...」と答え、私たちは彼に対するすべての信頼を失いました。 私は最初の診察の時から、このよそよそしい医師に何かとても「違和感がある」といつも感じていました。 私たちは彼に会ったことを後悔しています、それは私の人生最大の後悔です。 それは全くの悪夢であり、私たちは毎日取り乱して痛みに苦しんでいます... 安らかにお休みください。 もうすぐ天国でお会いしましょう... 佐竹健医師はBC州内科医・外科医大学による誤診の責任があることが判明(2023年)。 非常に親愛なる家族が、非常に大きな痛みに苦しみ、1年以上前に癌で亡くなりました。 安らかに眠る。 私たちは今もトラウマと心の痛みで毎日静かに苦しんでいます。 私たちは佐竹健博士から直接、謝罪も哀悼の意も返事も一切受け取っていません。反省の気持ちも、共感も、遺憾の意も全く受けていません。 佐竹健医師側には何の結果も責任感もありませんでした。彼は医学コースの受講を強制されただけで、現在も診療を続けています。 私たちには今、より資格があり、誠実で信頼できるかかりつけ医がいます。 この一般医は絶対に避けてください。さらに、私は彼を医師としてまったくお勧めしません。 問題、誤診、過失などを次の宛先に報告できます。 BC州の医師と外科医の大学。 MSP Billing Integrity Program および/または法的措置を講じます
    Submitted: January 11, 2025
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    dr ken satake has a callous disregard for his patients and their families.He still has refused to say sorry in person face to face and explain himself fully after he caused the death (cancer) of a family member 3 years ago due to misdiagnosis,malpractice,negligence and refusal to refer to specialists/hospital for further examinations.He acts as if nothing has happened.He does not even care about his own reputation.An absolute disgrace.How he goes to sleep and goes to work showing his face at his clinic is beyond me.It is if he has no conscious whatsoever. He has shown no guilt and no remorse .Unbelievable! I always had a negative/bad feeling of dr ken satake of being "off" from my very first appointment over 10 years ago at #400-2609 Westview Drive in North Vancouver. Never imagined that it would turn into a NIGHTMARE. The silence from dr ken satake has been DEAFENING.I later found out that dr ken satake has a history of this sort of serious issues since 2007 and he was not transparent about it,never told us about it and hid it from us plus he has a history of being criticized by everyone but does not listen and does not care at all.We are suffering from trauma/grief and are distraught everyday.The passing of our loved one should easily have been prevented but dr ken satake was only thinking about himself in a very selfish way.It appears he is suffering from psychopathy.....
    Submitted: October 25, 2024
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    This doctor. ken satake located at #400-2609 Westview drive in North Vancouver, does not provide any useful information and help.He lacks medical knowledge.Ask him a question and he seems clueless,he will reply by saying "hmm....interesting....hmm....I don't know..." & " give it more time" & "everything is okay",etc... Is this a behavior of a qualified doctor? It is very strange & very disgraceful.In fact,he shows disrespect to his patient and their families. He does not refer to a specialist & to the hospital for further examinations.He only refers to his own clinic only repeatedly.I had to do my own medical research on the internet because dr ken satake did not help us & refused to refer us to a specialist/hospital for further examinations.He will come to conclusions on a diagnosis based on guess work & not on facts/evidence.His examinations are very cursory & superficial in nature,in other words,very shallow.He does not know right from wrong. He has a history of this sort of behavior throughout his practice.He has been practicing since about the year 2000 from his days in Surrey.Over 20 years in practice but keeps making the same mistakes over & over,never learning from his mistakes. This is very strange & alarming also. This is how a family member of ours passed away of cancer due to dr ken satake's misdiagnosis,malpractice,negligence & incompetence,etc.His medical license should have been revoked and his clinic shut down long ago.He should be in jail.He has never & refused to say "I am very sorry" & explain himself in person after 4 notifications were sent to him.I found a comment in 2016 from a patient of his stating "The worst doctor". That says it all.I always had suspicions of him as a patient since about 2010. It is obvious he does not care at all. It has been a total absolute nightmare and we are suffering everyday.We regret going to him.If only dr ken satake had a conscious,our family member would still be alive. R.I.P.
    Submitted: September 17, 2024
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    I took my mother to dr ken satake's clinic for a foot pain and he keeps saying nothing is wrong and keeps making appointments(6 times) to his own clinic instead of referring to specialists.,only x-ray and blood test and never bother to explain anything.His medical knowledge is non-existent.His diagnosis is not based on evidence/facts,it is based on guess work and incompetence.We went to another doctor and later fond it was cancer and she passed away (RIP) due to dr ken satake letting the cancer spread and doing nothing about it.We even told dr ken satake face to face she had cancer once in the past but he did not listen and did not care plus he did not even bother to check my mother's medical files.Beyond reckless.He has admitted to this but he is still practicing.This is abnormal behavior.How he sleeps and goes to work and shows his face is beyond me.if you are in a life and death situation,dr ken satake will not help you at all. He has still refused to say, "I am deeply sorry" in person face to face and explain himself. A very cowardly & arrogant act and very disrespectful..A female patient (a mother) also passed away from cancer in the same way in 2016.Whenever a patient dies at the hospital,a notice is sent to the family doctor,so dr ken satake knows who and how many of his patients have died. In our case,he was the first to know outside our family but kept silent about it and issued no condolences.Lack of humanity. So you can see,he keeps repeating the same old mistakes again and again....which means he does not care at all. He has a history of misdiagnosis,malpractice,negligent cancer deaths & refusal to refer,etc....plus showing no empathy,no remorse and no guilt.We have lost all respect and lost all trust for dr ken satake.
    Submitted: September 08, 2024
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    3 years ago.i took a family member to dr ken satake's clinic for the 6th appointment in 4 months for a foot pain turned blue.He kept dismissing it and kept making appointment after appointment at his own clinic refusing to make a referral to a specialist for further examinations and to the hospital for a cat scan. He never explained anything and never followed up, always acting very aloof and very disinterested. We always got the feeling dr ken satake did not care for our health and well-being. So we went to another (competent) doctor and did everything dr ken satake did not do. We later found out it was cancer and our love one passed away due to dr ken satake's constant delays and misdiagnosis,negligence,incompetence.and lack of medical knowledge.This is malpractice. dr ken satake has refused to say sorry in person and explain himself after sending him many notifications by mail.He has completely ignored us and acts if nothing has happened.This doctor has been a total nightmare and a total disgrace.He acts all nice but never backs it up,very superficial & shallow in nature.We feel deceived and betrayed. if you are in a life and death situation,dr ken satake will not help you.We do not recognize ken satake as a qualified family doctor.We are suffering everyday.......
    Submitted: August 30, 2024
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    This dr ken satake never does a proper in-depth medical exam,only cursory & superficial in nature.He also does not/refuses to refer to a specialist & to the hospital for further examinations. You have to tell what to do,he cannot read the atmosphere,cannot read between the lines & cannot connect the dots,in other words dr ken satake has no consciousness/awareness & no in-depth medical knowledge. He keeps referring to his own clinic repeatedly with no solution in sight.It appears he does not know what he is doing & is clueless.I once asked him what is the cause of the disease & he replied that he did not know & did not care at all. Beyond cold-heartedness! dr ken satake lacks empathy & shows indifference.One thing I found very disturbing is his complete lack of self-confidence.I noticed this on my very first appointment and later meetings.The complete lack of self-confidence showed on his face.I lost complete confidence in dr ken satake & it completely turned me off. In my opinion,he is not a qualified family doctor.I have talked to other patients of his & they all tell me the same thing. He is the worst doctor I have ever encountered in my life plus he never apologized to me face to face by saying "I am sorry" in person. Avoid this doctor all cost. He is a total nightmare!
    Submitted: August 13, 2024
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    You can report dr ken satake’s issues for investigation to the following : College of physicians & surgeons of bc, Billing Integrity Program, Health Professions Review Board, BC Ombudsperson, Doctors of bc, The Office of the Seniors Advocate, Ratemds.com , BC Ministry of Health, Local BC MLA, Local police and Malpractice lawyer.
    Submitted: July 26, 2024
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    You can report dr ken satake’s issues for investigation to the following : https://www.cpsbc.ca/public/complaints https://forms2.gov.bc.ca/forms/content?id=6FA2D0C9B3C3452D8EC249F5F2BAC369 https://www.bchprb.ca/contact-us/ https://www.doctorsofbc.ca/contact-us https://www.seniorsadvocatebc.ca/public-input-form/ https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/53740/Dr-Ken-Satake-North+Vancouver-BC.html/ https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/ministries/health/ministry-contacts https://www.leg.bc.ca/members Contact law enforcement agency and a malpractice lawyer.
    Submitted: July 21, 2024
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    Avoid this doctor,ken satake,at all cost.A family member passed away from colon cancer due to dr ken satake's misdiagnosis,incompetence & negligence. His examinations are very superficial in nature.We made 6 appointments but at his clinic only at #400-2609 Westview Drive,North Vancouver.No referrals at all to a cancer specialist and to the hospital. He has a history of this sort of recklessness. dr ken satake never bothered to check the history of our medical files as well. Reckless & careless. If dr ken satake had forwarded our family member to get further examinations right from the beginning, this issue would have been easily resolved & our family member would still be ALIVE today. dr ken satake has refused to say " I AM SORRY" in person even after 2 letters were sent to him by postal mail.He has all of our contact info but has shown no remorse,no empathy & no guilt. He acts nice but he does NOT care at all for our family & is insincere. We do NOT recommend dr ken satake at all. We are suffering everyday due to dr ken satake's soul-less nature. He ruined our lives....
    Submitted: July 11, 2024
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    After a member of our family passed away in pain/suffering due to dr ken satake's Negligence,he states that he offered an apology for the lateness of his condolence.First of all,Dr ken satake has never offered any condolences in person nor in writing.Secondly,he has not offered/refused any apologies in person and in writing. He has shown no empathy.no remorse,no guilt and no explanation.He has not reached out to us in 3 years and refused to reach out to us on 2 notifications sent to him by postal mail. A Disgrace in that he is still operating his clinic. Avoid him & his clinic and we do NOT recommend at all... He keeps making the same old mistakes again and again....refuses to learn and refuses to listen to his patients..... We are distraught & live in pain and suffering everyday.... dr ken satake's silence is deafening....a sign of guilt...
    Submitted: June 10, 2024
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    This doctor, ken satake,at #400-2609 Westview Drive,North Vancouver never answers when we phone him at 604-980-0012 for an appointment. He does not care about his patients at all.We have been his patients for about 12 years.When we asked him how come he does not answer his phone,he gives us a blank clueless look. We do not trust him anymore and dropped him.We found a better & more competent GP. Also his medical knowledge is very low,he does not refer us to specialist/hospitals & only refers to his own clinic plus ask him a question & he will answer "hmmm...I don't know...."The worst doctor ever...
    Submitted: May 05, 2024
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    i took my mother for appointment one day due to a severe foot pain & dr ken satake keeps referring to his own clinic repeatedly,in fact, 6 times.He never/refused to refer my mother to a specialist/hospital.Why? Very suspicious...... I took my mother to another competent doctor/clinic and she was immediately referred to a specialist/hospital but it was too late.The cancer had spread due to dr ken satake's misdiagnosis/incompetence,etc... and she passed away.... dr ken satake ruined our lives......Unforgivable...... You can report issues to the: the college of physicians and surgeons of bc., msp billing integrity program, and a malpractice lawyer.. There is no time limit. Also contact your local BC M.L.A., BC Health Minister & BC Premier.....
    Submitted: March 18, 2024
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    Avoid this doctor at all cost. dr ken satake never/refused to refer my mother to a diabetes specialist.even though her foot was all blue,even after 6 appointments to his own clinic only.Very suspicious,he was only thinking about himself.Went to another doctor/clinic & referred to a specialist & then to the hospital and found out it was cancer..My mother passed away the next day.She passed away of a broken heart.... Dr ken satake never bothered to check my mother's past cancer files.Incompetent & reckless....Lacks awareness....Cannot read between the lines & cannot read the air.....You have to tell him what to do...... dr ken satake is a Nightmare & a Horror.He is very aloof & callous.Ask him what is the cause & he says hmmm,I do not know......He does not care at all.We received no condolence from dr ken satake at all after a report /notification was sent to him from the hospital of my mother's passing. He has a history of misdiagnosis.etc... Keeps making the same mistakes repeatedly....never learns from his mistakes...Has admitted he lacks medical knowledge.....He tells us later on that he apologizes for the lateness of his condolence.First of all,he has never offered us a condolence at all in person.He is very dishonest. We do not recommend this doctor at all.He is the Worst.After over 2 years,still Refuses to say sorry in person after 2 notifications were sent to him by postal mail.He just Ignores us.Beyond Disgraceful. How he sleeps & goes to work is beyond me....Lacks a conscious.... We are Suffering everyday.......
    Submitted: February 26, 2024
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    I have been a patient of dr ken satake for about 10 years.I took my mother in for an appointment and he confused me for my father.There is a big age difference(30 years) and appearance wise as well such as height difference of about 5 inches,etc...My father is a patient of his as well.He has a history of forgetfulness & lack of awareness...... This is very troubling for a family doctor......I dropped him & got a better & competent family doctor...
    Submitted: February 12, 2024
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    dr ken satake did not disclose (lack of transparency) to us all of his misdiagnosis,malpractices,negligence,cancer deaths,non-referrals,lack of medical knowledge,etc even after 6 repeat visit after visit to his own clinic only..No referrals were ever done to a specialists/hospital. WHY? Very suspicious.We were patients of his for about 10 years.We are very disappointed in dr ken satake's behavior.and callousness.After our love one's passing due to dr ken satake's incompetence and recklessness which he has admitted to, he has not replied back to us at all to say sorry & explain his issues even after several notices were mailed to him. dr ken satake was the first to know of our love one's passing outside of our family,but still kept silent about it This individual is beyond disgraceful, It appears dr ken satake lacks a conscious.....
    Submitted: January 23, 2024
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    Still Refuses to say sorry,the silence from dr ken satake is Deafening,a sign of Guilt....
    Submitted: January 17, 2024
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    dr ken satake still refuses to say "I am sorry" in person after two notices were sent to him by postal mail. It has been 2 years since a member of our family passed away in pain from cancer due to his misdiagnosis,negligence & malpractice causing death He has admitted to this.Even after the foot was all blue,he refused to refer to a specialist/hospital.This GP cannot read between the lines and cannot read the air.He lacks awareness and lacks medical knowledge. You have to tell him what to do.We asked him what is the cause and he says "hmmm...I don't know..." He does not care at all and is very callous.He should not be practicing at all.Disgraceful. This has happened to another patient in 2016/17. Past away of breast cancer due to non-referrals/negligence........
    Submitted: November 16, 2023
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    2007年以来、佐竹健医師が患者たちに説明したのと同じタイプの行動のパターンがあるようです。詳しい検査のために患者を専門医や病院に送らない/拒否する、血圧や脈拍をチェックしないなど。 など、決してフォローをしない、話を聞かない、予約を急ぐ、誤診が多い、過失と医療過誤、説明をしない、医学的知識が不足している、診察が表面的で大雑把、関心がない/無関心/よそよそしい、「いい人」だが、態度は悪い 表面的な態度、自信のなさなど...彼は何の反省も罪悪感も共感も示さず、謝罪もお悔やみも拒否します。私は約10年前、初めて彼と面会した時から彼の行動に常に疑問を感じていました。 彼は彼のことを知るために彼に話しかけていましたが、彼は聞く耳を持たず、急いでいて、感情的に孤立しているように見えました(彼は非常に不機嫌そうに見えました)。 佐竹健医師の誤診や過失などにより、私の家族の一人がガンで亡くなってから2年が経ちました...佐竹健医師は、私たちが彼に話したように、過去に一度ガンにかかっていたことを知っていました。彼はとても不注意でした/ 医療ファイルをチェックしなかった無謀。彼はこの過失を認めた。信じられない。 また、佐竹健先生からは「去年から足が痛かったんですか?」と聞かれました。 彼は病歴を調べなかったし、私たちは約10年間彼と一緒にいた。 去年から痛みがあったら、私は生きていないでしょう。 足は非常に青く、激しい痛みを感じていましたが、佐竹健医師は、2つの異なる予約日に彼女を専門家/病院に紹介することを拒否しました。 佐竹健博士は意識が無く、非常に冷酷な人物です……。 あなたが苦しんで死んでも、彼は気にしません.... 彼に申し訳ないと言う通知を2回送ったにもかかわらず、私たちは彼からまったく返事も謝罪も受け取っていません...不名誉を超えて.... これは佐竹健医師の過失、無謀、無神経によって引き起こされた無意味な死、不必要な死でした。 佐竹健博士の悪夢は私が思っていたよりもずっとひどいものであることに気づきました。 私は独自に考え、研究し、調査を行ってきましたが、佐竹健博士は精神病を患っているようです。 彼は何度も同じ間違いを繰り返します...間違いから決して学ばない...意識がなく善悪もわかりません...私たちの家族は今も彼の悪夢に苦しんでいます...彼はそうあるべきではありません 全く練習していないのに、彼のライセンスは数年前に剥奪されるべきだった。 彼がまだ練習を続けているのは完全に恥ずべきことです。私はまだ彼をまったくお勧めしませんし、どんな犠牲を払ってでも彼を避けます。 それが生死に関わる状況なら、彼はあなたをまったく助けてくれません.... :(
    Submitted: October 23, 2023
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    There seems to be a pattern of the same type of behavior by dr ken satake described by his patients throughout the years since 2007. Such as not/refusing to send patients to a specialist/hospital for further examinations,not checking for blood pressure,pulse,etc,never follows up,never listens,rushes appointments,many misdiagnosis,negligence & malpractices,does not explain,lacks medical knowledge,superficial & cursory in his examinations,does not care/disinterested,/aloof, "nice" but in a superficial way,lacks self-confidence,etc......He does not show any remorse,guilt,empathy & refuses to apologize & offer condolences.I was always suspicious of his behavior from about 10 years ago from my first appointment with him.I was talking (small talk) to him to get to know him & he was not listening,was rushing it & looked emotionally detached (he looked very off). It has been 2 years now since a member of my family passed away of cancer due to dr ken satake's misdiagnosis & negligence,etc...We have received no reply from him at all even after sending him 2 notices for him to say sorry...beyond disgrace.. I have come to realize that dr ken satake's nightmare is a lot worse than I realized. I have done my own thinking,research & investigation & appears dr ken satake is suffering from psychopathy. He keeps making the same mistake again and again...never learning from his mistakes....has no conscious and does not know right from wrong....Our family is still suffering from his nightmare... He should not be practicing at all & his license should have been revoked years ago. It is a complete disgrace that he is still practicing.I still do not recommend him at all & avoid him at all cost. If it is a life & death situation,he will not help you at all..... :(
    Submitted: October 22, 2023
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    dr ken satake's examinations are cursory/superficial in nature.He lacks depth in medical knowledge. He has admitted to this.He never/refuses to refer to specialists/hospitals for further examinations resulting in repeat/unnecessary appointments to his own clinic. He never uses stethoscope & sphygmomanometer (blood pressure device). He cuts corners which is unsafe.Ask him what is wrong or what is the cause...,he will say "hmm...I don't know..." ,lack of depth in medical knowledge & lack of compassion.He lacks confidence in himself which in turn & results in patients lacking confidence in dr ken satake.I do NOT recommend him at all. Avoid him at all cost. We are suffering everyday.....
    Submitted: July 30, 2023

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