Allergic Reactions - “William a 6-year-old Korean boy with tummy pain ”

Case study ( 11604 views as of March 26, 2025 )

William is a 6-year-old of Korean descent who was helping set up a lunch for a parent-appreciation activity hosted at his school. Many plates of home-baking were donated to the school, and William was not shy about sneaking a few bites of the treats on display. Within about 10 minutes, William complained of some “tummy pain” and vomited once. The teacher noticed that he had some swelling to his lips and he seemed a bit wheezy, just like her daughter who has asthma. An ambulance was called, and by the time the paramedics arrived, he was covered in a rash that someone called “hives.”

William's caregivers would benefit from a follow-up visit with his Family Physician. The family physician may then refer William to an Allergist and a dietician. A consultation with a pharmacist may also provide William's family with information.

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Conversation based on: Allergic Reactions - “William a 6-year-old Korean boy with tummy pain ”

Allergic Reactions - “William a 6-year-old Korean boy with tummy pain ”

  • Absolutely, anaphylaxis can be life-threatening and unpredictable, often stemming from food, drug, or venom allergies. Due to the unpredictable nature of allergic reactions, it's crucial for individuals with known allergies to have appropriate treatment readily available at all times. One of the challenges of anaphylaxis is the difficulty in predicting when and how severe a reaction will occur. Even if someone has experienced a mild reaction in the past, there's no guarantee that subsequent reactions will be similar or less severe. Therefore, having access to medication, such as epinephrine auto-injectors, is essential for immediate intervention in case of an allergic emergency. Ensuring that individuals at risk of anaphylaxis are educated about recognizing symptoms, carrying their prescribed medication, and knowing how to administer it or seek help promptly can significantly improve outcomes and reduce the risk of severe complications. Prompt administration of epinephrine is critical in managing anaphylaxis effectively and potentially saving lives.
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  • As a result, undigested lactose moves into the colon, where it interacts with bacteria and leads to symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, and bloating. The severity of symptoms can vary among individuals with lactose intolerance. Some people may experience mild discomfort, while others may have more pronounced symptoms. The timing and severity of symptoms also depend on the amount of lactose consumed and an individual's level of lactase deficiency. It's important to note that lactose intolerance is different from a milk allergy. A milk allergy is an immune response to proteins in milk, whereas lactose intolerance is a digestive issue related to the inability to digest lactose.
  • As an adult I have developed allergies. I was the kid who had no allergies at all, now I'm suffering from allergies to pollens, grass and dust mites. My sinuses were hit hard a year ago giving me chronic sinusitis to the point I was even on a list for sinus surgery! I started taking allergy shots and a year later I'm glad to say that a lot of my sinus issues have been resolved. I would highly recommend allergy shots for people in a similar situation as me. It's definitely worth a try.
    • Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes scaly and silvery skin patches on the knees, scalp, elbows and lower back.
  • My son has been experiencing allergic reactions why on our summer vacation this year and we think its coming from the sheets in the cabin
  • I have friend who grew up on a cherry orchard and cannot eat cherries now without a complete breakdown of his immune system.
    • I guess there is no chance its the flu... The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine, also known as a flu shot. Flu vaccine is safe and effective. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. Most people do not have reactions to the flu vaccine. Severe reactions are very rare. Getting a flu vaccine is a simple action that can save lives by: protecting you if you are exposed to the virus preventing you from getting very sick helping protect other people because you are less likely to spread the virus to others Everyone 6 months and older should get the vaccine. This is especially important for: people who are at high risk of complications those who are especially capable of spreading the flu to those at higher risk
    • @Mr.JacksonSayers - my allergist speculates that that is why I'm allergic to pork. My parents owned a pig farm when I was little
  • @ChantalSayers I think there is some truth to that. I know of two people who have had hayfever since their teens and in their 30's developed an allergy to tree fruit. My understanding is that they developed the allergy to the fruit because of their allergy to the pollen from the tree
  • Children who have food allergies and intolerances can present with such a wide range of symptoms and reactions.
    • I wonder what the correlation is like between allergies and asthma, as I've heard there is often a presentation of both in children that are affected.
    • I heard that childrens (and adults) food allergies can be linked to other types of allergies they might have. For example, if you are allergic to molds, then you shouldn't eat mushrooms. Or if you are allergic to pollens then don't eat apples etc. etc. Is this correct or just another old wives tale? Thanks!
    • My daughter was diagnosed with an egg allergy at age 2. Her symptoms were either vomiting or contact hives depending on what she ate.
    • @Lisa Cantkier - can you describe some of symptoms you've seen in your practice to show the variation in symptoms that children with allergies have?
  • When my youngest daughter was a toddler, she had a lot of eczema and asthma and we took her to a naturopath who did blood testing and apparently her results showed a lot of reaction/sensitivities to certain foods so we were advised to make modifications to her diet. I remember being told it is very common for young children to have the trio of asthma, allergies and eczema. Can any practitioner comment on this? My daughter has since grown out of her symptoms of asthma and sensitivities, and we usually deal with some eczema symptoms in the winter when the air is so dry.
    • @Healthymama - do you know if the hereditary component of eczema and asthma in families is just limited to the parents of a child? Neither my husband or myself have a history of eczema or asthma, however we both have siblings who have - I wonder if my youngest daughter was affected because of her uncles.
    • There can also be correlations between a parent's eczema and their child's asthma or reactive airway issues.
    • @K.Michael - I think it was called atopy or something like that - where there's a triad of asthma or reactive airways, allergies and eczema. My daughter has managed to grow out of most of these conditions.
    • My daughter has the same three things - asthma, allergies and excema - but I never realized there was a correlation !
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis is also being diagnosed more frequently. It's a reaction to food allergens or acid reflux. It can damage esophageal tissue.
    • From my reading Eosinophilic esophagitis is an immune disease and not associated with allergies.
    • What are the symptoms? My husband suffered from reflux for years. He has cut almost all processed food out of his diet and is much better now.
  • One of the things our allergist stressed was that each instance of an anaphylactic reaction would get worse.
    • Is this for sure that allergic reactions get worse each time or just a possibility?
    • Is there an allergist that can comment on the severity of allergic reactions over time? I would be curious to hear about this.
    • Is there anything that can be done to prevent the reaction from getting worse ?
  • Another allergy is Oral Allergy Syndrome or pollen food allergy, where eating certain types of raw fruit causes a really tingly mouth (or so I'm told). I recently realized I might have a bit of that when eating walnuts...I always thought it was just the way walnuts tasted/felt, but now think maybe they're not supposed to "feel" anything! Can that type of allergy be dangerous?
    • I would definitely look into getting that checked out T Brown.. I have never experienced any kind of tingling from eating walnuts.. That sounds like a kind of allergy to me!
  • Is there any truth to children outgrowing dairy allergies by the time they reach age 3-4? And if yes, what mediates that? I have a 4 year old with dairy intolerance ( abdo pain) as well as an allergy to onion and garlic. I keep hoping she will outgrow some of them as it makes life difficult for making meals!
    • Those ARE difficult allergies to deal with. Dairy, garlic, and onion seem to be in everything.