Vitality Clinic, Downtown, Vancouver, BC
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Our PURPOSE at Vitality Clinic is to provide optimal care to as many people as possible using the highest ethics, integrity and professional standards. In our individual practices we strive to motivate patients to understand that greater health, improved wellness, and much needed prevention are very much possible. Hours Mon. 10:00am - 7:30pm Tues. 10:00am - 7:30pm Wed. 8:00am - 6:00pm Thurs. 10:00am - 7:30pm Fri. 8:00am - 6:00pm Sat. 8:30am - 5:00pm -

Vitality Clinic, Downtown, Vancouver, BC Practitioners

  • Dr. Crysta Serne

    Dr. Crysta Serne

    BSc(Kin), DC
    Vancouver, BC
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    Latest Health Talk Comment

    Dr. Crysta Serne

    , Chiropractor, at Vitality Clinic, Downtown, Vancouver, BC in Vancouver, BC commented on: Sport-Related Ankle Injuries " Jason a 23-year-old recreational ultimate frisbee player ".

    @KMichael the best way to ensure you ankle joint stay mobile is to stretch and strengthen the muscles crossing the join and have a Chiropractor adjust them.

    Latest Health Talk Comment

    Dr. Crysta Serne

    , Chiropractor, at Vitality Clinic, Downtown, Vancouver, BC in Vancouver, BC commented on: Concussions in Sports - Symptoms and Treatment " Bradley is a 20-year-old hockey player ".

    @KMichael- yes! Anyone who plays an impact recreational sport should definitely have a base line test performed at the beginning of each season. I would recommend you seek out a health care practitioner proficient in administering testing versus doing an online test.
  • Mr. Tycson Boult

    Mr. Tycson Boult

    Massage Therapist
    Vancouver, BC
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    Latest Health Talk Comment

    Mr. Tycson Boult

    , Massage Therapist, at Vitality Clinic, Downtown, Vancouver, BC in Vancouver, BC commented on: Lower and Upper Back Pain " Irena a 22 year old women involved in a rear-end MVA ".

    Great discussion! I have seen clients with very similar symptoms and it seems treatment of the anterior spinal muscles like psoas and iliacus has an equally large roll in recovery as the posterior lumbar spinal muscles. Including a stretch routine for the pelvis while incorporating ice for pain and heat for muscle relief has generally speaking, created relief for clients both in the short and long term.
  • Caitlyn Fry

    Caitlyn Fry

    Massage Therapist
    Vancouver, BC
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    Latest Health Talk Comment

    Caitlyn Fry

    , Massage Therapist, at Vitality Clinic, Downtown, Vancouver, BC in Vancouver, BC commented on: Back Pain While Pregnant " Zarah is a 29-year-old female who is five months into her second pregnancy".

    Treatment by a qualified Registered Massage Therapist is a greatly successful tool to help decrease the overall amount of discomfort throughout a pregnancy. Shifting of the joints, ligaments, and soft tissue during your pregnancy can cause intense local pain, referral pain, and can aggravate pre-existing conditions. The manual manipulation of the areas can help with immediate relief! We address the immediate symptomatic areas while taking the necessary precautions that are specific to treating pregnancy (inducing labour is not listed as a precaution when it comes to pre-natal massage therapy; we place the patient in the position she is most comfortable in, but if there is no preference then positioning her on the left side is the safest to avoid compression of the iliac artery. It is important to tell your RMT if you has gestational diabetes or high blood pressure due to the pregnancy). In addition to the one on one treatment, I think it's important to teach moms about self massage to the breasts and/or belly, home care, as well as activities in their area that they would benefit from. Massage has been used to help decrease overall stress levels, but I would recommend incorporating yoga into a mom's treatment plan. My last patient was a healthy mom of two and pregnant with her third. I treated her all the way into her last trimester (our last appointment was actually the day before she had her healthy baby boy!). Our treatments helped her chronic symptoms of her ribs and sacrum coming out of alignment, but what she said really helped with the overall discomfort and stress was her daily yoga practice. I'm always very honoured to be treating a pregnant mamma! I grew up as the oldest of seven siblings, so I've seen my fair share of big bellies :). There's a tremendous amount of benefit when massage therapy is incorporated as apart of the pregnancy plan and should be taken full advantage of! It's a great feeling to be able to provide such immediate and sustainable relief- carrying a baby is hard work, to say the least, and to get to make it easier on the mom is extremely rewarding! It's a win, win :)
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  • Mr. Sydney Beagle

    Mr. Sydney Beagle

    Registered Massage Therapist
    Massage Therapist
    Vancouver, BC
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