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Our story, from the beginning
Vancouver Naturopathic Clinic was founded in the early 1990’s—making it the longest-serving naturopathic clinic in the city—with the sole goal of helping patients build a healthy foundation. Throughout the years, we have been led by seasoned doctors who truly believe in the power of the traditional Principles of Naturopathic Medicine. We’re proud to say that the doctors that started our journey with us are still here and still as passionate about helping patients everyday.
We are guided by Dr. Kelly Fujibayashi and Dr. Tanja White, who have been with the clinic for over a decade. Their experience and connection to the industry and our clinic means that even as we evolve and grow we have never swayed from the Naturopathic Principles or our values – and we never will. We combine our wisdom and knowledge that comes from years in the industry with continuing education and cutting edge technology to give our patients the highest quality of care possible.
The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine were founded by Hippocrates and the Hippocratic School of Medicine. Hippocrates believed in viewing the whole person to find the cause of disease, and in using the laws of nature to heal. It was from this original school of thought that naturopathic medicine, and the Vancouver Naturopathic Clinic, takes its principles.
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