The Truth About Coffee Shop Food

The Truth About Coffee Shop Food

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Sarah Blunden, RD P.Dt, CDE, CPT, Professional Dietitian, talks about how to make healthier choices when eating at a coffee shop.

Sarah Blunden, RD P.Dt, CDE, CPT, Professional Dietitian, talks about how to make healthier choices when eating at a coffee shop.

Video transcript

Featuring Sarah Blunden, P.Dt, CDE, CPT, Professional Dietitian

Duration: 1 minute, 18 seconds

When at your local coffee shop, and you’re getting your coffee, and they’re offering you some food, how do you make your choice?

So, first of all, you want to look are there options that have fruit? Sometimes they have a yogurt mix with some nice nuts in them, these are choices to look for. Also, if they have vegetables or whole-grain products.

So, don’t be confused with some of their muffins or breads, which are actually made from a cake mix. So, you’re getting a very high sugar, a carbohydrate that’s going to be digested quickly and absorb quickly, and has very little fibre.

You can always ask them questions. Ask if they have a label. If they do have a label, you want to look at the fibre content, and try and choose an option that’s higher in fibre.

If they don’t have a label available to you, use your eyes. Look at the colours, so obviously a white bread versus a darker, or a brown or a black bread, this will have more fibre in it. Looking at options where there’s maybe vegetables incorporated, or fruits. These will be healthier options where you’re going to get more fibre in that meal.

Presenter: Ms. Sarah Blunden, Registered Dietitian, Ville Saint-Laurent, QC

Local Practitioners: Registered Dietitian

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