The Health Benefits of Cucumbers

The Health Benefits of Cucumbers

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The Health Benefits of Cucumbers: featuring Registered Dietician.

The Health Benefits of Cucumbers: featuring Registered Dietician.

Video transcript

Originally from South Asia, cucumber is now grown across the globe and represents a versatile option to be used in the culinary sense as either a snack or salad. Comprised of 95% water, it is among the least nutrient dense members of the vegetable family.

The good news is that even a vegetable that is relatively low in nutrients still has a decent amount to offer nutritionally. Cucumbers contain between 2-4% per 100 gram serving of several nutrients of interest including fibre, zinc, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. These aren’t huge amounts, but it is important to note that one full cucumber is about 300 grams and given that cucumber is generally well-liked and easy to prepare, it is not unreasonable to consume multiple servings in one sitting. If cucumber is the only vegetable you consume daily, that might be a cause for concern – but it certainly isn’t devoid of nutritional value either!

Presenter: Ms. Sarah Ware, Registered Dietitian, North Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Registered Dietitian

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