Seafood Allergies and Nutritional Benefits

Seafood Allergies and Nutritional Benefits

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Registered Dietician, talks about allergies to shellfish and what nutritional value shellfish can offer as an alternative to meat.

Registered Dietician, talks about allergies to shellfish and what nutritional value shellfish can offer as an alternative to meat.

Video transcript

Shellfish are the most common food allergens and refers to the family of foods that includes mussels, oysters, octopus, scallops shrimp, crab, clams and lobster.

Having a shellfish allergy does not mean one is automatically allergic to finned fish like salmon because the protein in question causing the immune response is different.

Hives and inflammation of the throat are less severe symptoms, with rapid anaphylaxis also a risk.

It’s important to note that compared to fatty fish like salmon, shellfish have much lower Omega-3 content and no Vitamin D3.

Nutritionally, shellfish are an important part of the mediterranean style of eating where they help to replace red meat.

Shellfish are a great source of protein, iron, zinc and B12 while being quite low in fat and calories.

Since they have a similar nutritional profile to meat and poultry, they are useful protein alternatives for pescatarians who don’t consume those foods.

Presenter: Andy De Santis, Registered Dietitian, Toronto, ON

Local Practitioners: Registered Dietitian

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