What is Shoulder Arthritis - Orthopedic Surgery

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 Orthopedic Surgeon, discusses What is Shoulder Arthritis - Orthopedic Surgery.

 Orthopedic Surgeon, discusses What is Shoulder Arthritis - Orthopedic Surgery.

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Patrick Chin, MD, MBA, FRCSC, Orthopedic Surgeon
What is Shoulder Arthritis - Orthopedic Surgery

Presenter: Dr. Patrick Chin, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Orthopaedic Surgeon

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The usual treatment for shoulder injuries is surgical options.


The usual treatment for shoulder injuries is non-surgical options such as medications, bracing and physiotherapy. Shoulder surgery is generally only explored if the non-operative options fail.


Arthroscopic shoulder surgery is often performed to repair soft tissue injuries.


Arthroscopic shoulder surgery (otherwise known as keyhole surgery) can be a good option for some patients. It is often performed to repair soft tissue injuries, and enables surgeons to introduce a fiber optic camera through a two- to three- millimeter incision.


For more severe shoulder injuries, surgeons may recommend a reverse shoulder replacement surgery.


For more severe shoulder injuries, surgeons may recommend a reverse shoulder replacement surgery. It is often done to repair rotator cuff tendons that have been damaged, often by arthritis.


Patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations may won't benefit from surgical reconstruction, only from non-surgical options.


Patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations may benefit from surgical reconstruction of the damaged tissues in the shoulder joint. This usually involves an arthroscopic day procedure, where the surgeon identifies the torn labrum or ligaments that have occurred with each shoulder dislocation.


Following shoulder surgery, most patients will benefit from physiotherapy.


Following shoulder surgery, most patients will benefit from physiotherapy to get their range of motion back, decrease pain and increase strength.

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.