How Does Bulimia Affect Your Teeth and Gums?

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Dr. Ed Lowe, DMD, Cosmetic Dentist discusses How Does Bulimia Affect Your Teeth and Gums.
Dr. Ed Lowe, DMD, Cosmetic Dentist discusses How Does Bulimia Affect Your Teeth and Gums.
Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Ed Lowe, DMD, Dentist

How Does Bulimia Affect Your Teeth and Gums Duration: 47 seconds

Bulimia, the main effects with bulimia, the damage is done with the purging, or the vomiting, and what happens is the acid that comes out erodes the teeth.

You'll see this most often in the back teeth - top and bottom - on the top surfaces and the bottom surfaces. And often on the inside surfaces of the front teeth, often their teeth will get brittle over time and break away.

And on the bottom teeth, because your tongue covers the lower teeth, you don't see as much damage there.

A tip for anyone who is bulimic is: after vomiting, make sure that you rinse your teeth out with a glass of water that has a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it, because that will neutralize the acid. And the other thing is to use a fluoride rinse once a day.

Presenter: Dr. Ed Lowe, General Dentist, Vancouver, BC

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