Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Calgary, AB

Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz

Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz

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Orthopaedic Surgeon
Calgary, AB
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Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz Bio

Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz is a Royal College Certified sports and shoulder surgeon specializing in arthroscopic and open surgeries for shoulder, knee, elbow and sports-associated conditions. As well as holding a medical degree from the University of Western Ontario, with his residency in Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Manitoba, Dr. Slade Shantz completed fellowships in stem cell research and orthopedic trauma at the University of California, San Francisco and shoulder, elbow and sports surgery at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on technology, simulation and clinical trials. Concurrently, he holds an MBA from the Ivey School of Business at UWO, and advises start-up companies in the digital health field specializing in data use and privacy issues. Dr. Slade Shantz was a co-founder of The Shoulder Centre at Ajax and Pickering hospital, an innovative, patient-centred shoulder treatment centre in Ontario. Dr. Slade Shantz has focused his career on both being at the cutting edge of surgical techniques and delivering the experience patients expect in terms of communication, punctuality and customer service within the healthcare system. Because of his unique approach Dr. Slade Shantz has been invited to educate other surgeons on current surgical techniques and speak about entrepreneurship and health system transformation.

( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Calgary, AB) is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

If you are looking for local services or  treatment  in the office from a local  Orthopaedic Surgeon  or hospital from a Orthopaedic Surgeon, contact a provider such as ( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz ) to inquire if they are accepting patients or you need a referral.   Phone number to book an appointment (587) 599-5345 ( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz ) Is in good standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canda and the ( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz ) Is in good standing with the Orthopedic Association and the ( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz ) Is in good standing with the   Canadian Medical Association  

The speaker in the video may have no association with ( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz, Orthopaedic Surgeon Calgary, AB ). 
( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz, Orthopaedic Surgeon Calgary, AB ), may talk about some of the conditions and some of the treatment options shown on the videos. Always talk with your Orthopaedic Surgeon  about the information you learnt from the videos in regards to treatments and procedures the Orthopaedic Surgeon could  perform and if they would be appropriate for you. Remember good information from your local Orthopaedic Surgeon is the corner stone to understanding your condition or disease.

Please contact ( Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz, Orthopaedic Surgeon Calgary, AB ) to enquire if this health care provider is accepting new patients. Orthopedic surgeons also perform hip replacement and knee replacement surgeries due to arthritis. During hip or knee replacement surgery, the surgeon removes the painful joint and replaces it with an artificial joint made from plastic, ceramic and/or metal. 


Ratings for Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz

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    Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Ajax, ON did a shoulder operation on my mother that was very successful. Would recommend Dr. Jesse Slade Shantz to anyone looking for a good Orthopaedic Surgeon, Ajax, ON
    Submitted: June 18, 2017

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