Symptoms and Treatment Options for Depression " Teresa is a 24-year-old graduate student "

Case study ( 6452 views as of March 18, 2025 )

Teresa is a 24-year-old graduate student who has been missing seminars, and has not handed in her last two assignments. She had a recent break up with her girlfriend, and has been posting sad, hopeless messages on Facebook and her other social media channels. Teresa's friends are concerned. One of her friends goes to her apartment and finds Teresa in her pyjamas, having clearly not showered in some time. The apartment is a mess, and several shallow, parallel cuts are observed on her forearms. Teresa has previously shared that she used to "cut" when she went through a "rough patch" in her teens.

Teresa would benefit from connecting with her primary care provider, and very likely needs to get additional mental health support through psychiatry, psychology, and/or other counselling or therapy services. Services targeted for the LGBTQ population may be a consideration.

While "cutting" is not necessarily a suicidal gesture, it is important that Teresa be urgently assessed, possibly in the emergency department to connect her with inpatient or outpatient support services.

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Conversation based on: Symptoms and Treatment Options for Depression " Teresa is a 24-year-old graduate student "

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Depression " Teresa is a 24-year-old graduate student "

  • Well! That's really the concern post to read out. Depression is such a vital and destructive thing of a person's life which leads to him or her in a serious trouble. Especially in the teenagers, it's very common and uncertain. As, read in this post that Teresa is really depressed and feeling almost hopeless and expressing her depression in a very destructive way which can lead to her life in danger which has to be overcome. Various treatments can be done here and also counseling sessions for her to recover and getting out of that zone. Counselling is very much needed in this case which can also be achieved at And if she is having a counselor then, she should tell her counselor everything in detail so that the counselor can eliminate the cause quickly. Counselors like voyance pure can also be referred.
  • In these types of situations, it's very easy to identify what the best options for a person are. It's really important to keep in mind that the affected needs to be open to treatment before action is taken - feeling pressured by others can quite stressful and sometimes may lead to worse outcomes.
  • Cutting is a coping technique that can come back in any stressful situation, it's not something that's limited to teens. She should definitely speak to her primary care physician or counselor to help her
    • It seems like the cutting Teresa is doing is a coping technique like @K.Michael mentioned, and I would see it as a cry for help. Teresa must be very confused and likely depressed, as she has gone through a lot of hard times recently. I think the emergency department is a good place to start, given that Teresa has shown signs of self-harming, whether or not they are linked to suicidal ideation.