Videos by The Pelvic Floor

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Your pelvic floor is the foundation of your core and is fundamental to SO MANY ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE... and you most likely have never ever been told that... the pelvic floor is responsible for your continence the pelvic floor plays a role in pelvic and spinal control and stability the pelvic floor plays a role in your sexual response the pelvic floor is responsible for supporting your internal organs (bladder, uterus and rectum) The pelvic floor is a collection of muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels, ligaments, and connective tissue all interwoven into the pelvis. You may hear people say the ‘pelvic floor muscle, or the ‘kegel muscle’ or the’ PC muscle’ but it is important to know that there are 3 layers. The first layer is primarily responsible for closing openings and the third layer is primarily responsible for organ support. The pelvic floor also plays a role in our core control and stability, and our sexual response. There are both slow Twitch and fast Twitch fibers meaning the muscles are responsible for slow endurance type work as well as quick contract, rapid fire work. The pelvic floor works in synergy with the breath and is an incredibly important part of the body that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. You may have heard the term kegel and while that is better than nothing, the conversation is much bigger than just ‘do your kegels’. They are not the end all be all of pelvic floor health but rather one piece of a bigger picture. Kegels are a form of pelvic floor exercise and most people are doing them incorrectly because no one has ever taught them how. I have some great videos on my YouTube channel and I recommend seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist to ensure you are doing them correctly. The most common types of dysfunction, are urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, painful intercourse and pelvic girdle pain. My Buff Muff Challenge teaches you how to do Kegels correctly and also shows you how to incorporate them into movement to make them so much more effective! You can find the challenge and a lot of other amazing info in my Buff Muff App.

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