Southern Alberta Eye Center
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he Southern Alberta Eye Center is a unique approach to vision care in Canada. Pioneering an ultra public model, the physicians and practices within the facility work closely with Alberta Health Services and the University of Calgary to provide patients with convenient, accessible vision care. By bringing together specialists in cataract removal, glaucoma treatment, vitreoretinal care, ocular oncology, paediatric treatment, and refractive surgery, the Southern Alberta Eye Center is one of the most complete ophthalmic care facilities in the Canada.

Physicians at the Southern Alberta Eye Center are equipped with only most advanced diagnostic and surgical technologies in the field of ophthalmology, many of which, would be inaccessible in an independent practice, or in some cases, even in public hospitals. Here, visiting physicians and medical school residents can train in ground breaking surgical methods and gain first hand experience in the tools that are changing the next generation of ophthalmology.

Southern Alberta Eye Center Practitioners