Fiskco Health + Performance
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Chiropractic Care: Muscle Release Therapy, Functional Assessments and Rehabilitation, Occupation Specific Ergonomic Education, Biomechanical Analysis, Orthotic Prescription; Acupuncture: Electrotherapy, TCM, Herbal Treatment; Naturopathy: Stress Management, Gut Health, Hormones, Autoimmunity, Nutritional Advice, Testing; and Registered Massage Therapy. Acupuncture Acupuncture is a form of Alternative medicine. It is commonly used for pain relief, though it is also used to treat a wide range of conditions. Chiropractic Your chiropractor’s goal is to diagnose your spinal condition, develop an individualized treatment plan and provide education around injury prevention. Registered Massage Therapy Massage has been advocated in Western health care practices at least since the time of Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine.” Naturopathy Naturopathic Medicine promotes wellness and the prevention of illness and disease. Naturopathic doctors integrate standard medical diagnostic. We have Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Naturopathy + Registered Massage Therapy appointments available now! Please note Dr. Baas is only accepting new Postpartum patients – we are accepting new Chiropractic patients with Dr. Kristina Cukic, Dr. Carrie Atwal & Dr. Shawna Fiske. For Registered Massage Therapy, we are currently NOT accepting new patients. If the practitioner you wish to book with is not available to book online, please call 604-946-3713 or email to book your appointment.

Fiskco Health + Performance Practitioners