Core Kinesis Physiotherapy
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Our name exemplifies the services we provide. CORE can be interpreted as your brain, body and who we surround ourselves with. KINESIS is the study of movement. We strive to be an integral part of the community providing services to all family members regardless of age. Our Core Values are: EMPOWER: educate with the knowledge to understand the body, making informed decisions for habit and lifestyle changes. GROW: Take the knowledge to maximize positive growth in the body, mind and spirit. EVOLVE: Don’t ever stop listening and adapt as needs demand. At Core Kinesis Physiotherapy we use a combination of manual and movement-based therapy. We are dedicated and pride ourselves in delivering the highest quality of care by using evidence-based practice to address your core issues. In doing this, we use a holistic approach by incorporating mind, body and spirit. Our mind is the control center of our body, simply put the brain sends signals from the nervous system to the muscular system, which in part gets us to move our joints and body. With better body awareness we are able to optimize our movement, reducing and preventing injuries from occurring. By making the connection of our minds and bodies we are able to have a more peaceful spirit with harmony and fluidity in our inner and outer environments.

Core Kinesis Physiotherapy Practitioners