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ur Vision All clients and their families who receive our services will be supported in achieving their full rehabilitation potential according to their individual choices, preferences and needs so that they may participate in life as fully as possible. Our Mission To recognize each client as an individual while providing consistent, high quality rehabilitation services that will assess and help address the impact of rehabilitative disorders or disabilities on daily living. The services are provided in the client’s most important setting, their home, school or work and are respectful of client, caregiver and family choices and include education on risks and benefits. Our Values The care we provide is guided by our key values. Inclusivity and a recognition of the rights of all individuals to mutual respect and acceptance Recognition of a client’s individuality through client centred care The importance of service provision in both official languages Working together with a multidisciplinary approach Client and family engagement at all levels of the organization Commitment to quality, innovation and safety Commitment to safe and high-quality care through continuous assessment and monitoring Establishing and maintaining partnerships with clinicians and staff that encourage trust and open communication Recognition of the flexibility required to balance work, life and family Engaging and cooperating with contracting partners to focus on system wide

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