Personal Experiences - Claire talks about Mental Health and seeking professional help

Personal Experiences - Claire talks about Mental Health and seeking professional help

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Personal Experiences - Claire, a university student, Mental Health and seeking professional help
Personal Experiences - Claire, a university student, Mental Health and seeking professional help
Video transcript

Featuring Claire, University Student

Duration: 36 seconds

I definitely believe so, I’ve also had the same family physician since I was one year old. She’s stuck with me the whole time.

We did have some family issues when my parents got divorced, and my mom recommended that that was the first step, that we talk to the family physician, and she ended up recommending some family counsellors from that point, and it helped me and my three brothers all find people that were suited towards us.

In respect to how she would actually treat mental illness, she probably wouldn’t be the best as a family physician, but she had the resources to guide us in the right direction to get the help we needed.

Presenter: Student Testimonials UBC, Uncategorized, ,

Local Practitioners: Uncategorized

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.