Core Strength Exercises and Metabolic Syndrome

Core Strength Exercises and Metabolic Syndrome

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Min Naruki-van Velzen, MSc, discusses core exercises as part of a workout to help manage metabolic syndrome.
Min Naruki-van Velzen, MSc, discusses core exercises as part of a workout to help manage metabolic syndrome.
Video transcript

Featuring Min Naruki-van Velzen, MSc, Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist

Duration: 1 minute, 12 seconds Core Strength Exercises and Metabolic Syndrome.

Your core involves the muscles of your stomach and low back, and it’s important for someone trying to get rid of metabolic syndrome. Although, these exercises won’t trim your waistline, they are important for overall health and to improve insulin sensitivity in someone who has metabolic syndrome.

Try to keep your torso and body stable, without too much wavering about. Another great core exercise is the plank, and this just involves positioning your body on a straight line, up on the toes, and holding, remembering to breathe, naturally and normally. Doing this for long enough until you get tired and then resting.

So there you have two very simple core exercises that you can do at home with no equipment. If you want a program that’s more tailored to your needs, please consult with your local physiotherapist, exercise specialist or trainer.

Presenter: Mr. Min Naruki-van Velzen, Athletic Therapist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Athletic Therapist

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.