How Often Are Intravitreal Injections Needed?

How Often Are Intravitreal Injections Needed?

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Ophthalmologist, talks about how often and how long intravitreal injections are typically needed.

Ophthalmologist, talks about how often and how long intravitreal injections are typically needed.

Video transcript

Featuring Amit Gupta, MD, FACS, Ophthalmologist

Duration: 1 minute, 31 seconds

In regards to the frequency of injections and length of treatment, initially, the treatments start out being monthly. And over time, as your eye does better, the doctor will observe what’s going on and extend the treatment.

There may come a time when the treatments slow down, or you may not need treatment for months at a time. But because of diabetes being there in your body, because the sugars are high, the treatments will be ongoing, sooner rather than later.

And so you need at least regular eye exams, which will be determined by the severity of the disease and what the doctor’s observing in the eye. As the treatment improves and your sugar improves, a question will come up that why am I still getting treatments, if I’m seeing well and my sugars are under control?

The answer is: this is from damage that was done years ago. And even if your sugars are under good control, your sugars are not that of a totally normal, non-diabetic person. Damage is ongoing, and as such you will require at least continuous monitoring, and treatment as needed based on that monitoring.

For more information, talk to your eye doctor, who will guide you on the treatment process.

Presenter: Dr. Amit Gupta, Ophthalmologist, Scarborough, ON

Local Practitioners: Ophthalmologist

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.