Cycling Safety Bike Lane Rules

Cycling Safety Bike Lane Rules

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Paul Dragan discusses the importance of using bike lanes.

Paul Dragan discusses the importance of using bike lanes.

Video transcript

Featuring Paul Dragan, Cycling Equipment Specialist

Duration: 1 minute, 43 seconds

Here we are in the bike lane downtown–this segregated bike lane with traffic barriers and double usage.

It's a great way to get down here. You’ll know that the segregated bike lane has traffic going both ways. 

In addition to bicycle traffic, you have automobile traffic, turning against the lane. This is a complicated intersection. It requires a bit of time, for both the motorists and the cyclists, to figure out where they should be.

You’ll see that there are both, a signal light for right turning vehicles and a light for bicycles only. It's important that you're aware of which light is for you and you follow the rules of the road, whether you're in an automobile or a bicycle.

Although this intersection may appear to be a little bit complicated, there are many benefits to having a bike lane such as this. 

Number one, the cyclist can go in both directions. This allows a smaller footprint, on the street’s gait, which allows traffic engineering, only to remove one lane of traffic, not two.

Secondly, the segregation with the planters and other obstacles creates a safe zone, for the cyclist. And people are much more likely to venture downtown on their bike, when they feel safe. 

This is especially important for younger riders and older riders, as dealing with traffic, is one of the major reasons they will not cycle downtown.

Finally, it's much more efficient to have a bicycle lane go both directions at once in terms of getting to your destination more quickly. These bike lanes might seem a little bit complicated. But once you get the hang of it, it is smooth sailing all the way to your destination.

Presenter: Mr. Paul Dragan, Bracing & Equipment Specialist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Bracing & Equipment Specialist

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