Setting Up Your Office Desk Ergonomically

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Jackson Sayers, BSc (Kinesiology), discusses postural equipment options.
Jackson Sayers, BSc (Kinesiology), discusses postural equipment options.
Video transcript

Featuring Jackson Sayers, BSc., Kinesiologist, CEO

Duration: 1 minute, 23 seconds

When you’re working at the office, you have three main equipment options that you have to consider. First off, it’s the height of the desk. Desks are made only one height particularly, and what we want to be thinking about is can we get a desk that can be more suited to our body?

I would typically like a desk maybe three or four inches above this, and that would be something I would like to do. And they do make desks out there that can elevate. The second option is the keyboard, the position of the keyboard in relation to your body.

And there are several options for keyboards: one on top of the desk, one under the desk, and whatever your height of your body in correlation to your desk is going to be the factor to determine where your keyboard should sit.

The third thing that we really want to be considering is our keyboard in relation to our monitor. What we really want to be thinking about is if I’m looking at this monitor and I’m looking at my head height, my head height’s going down like here. Where I’d really like that monitor is to be is up about six or seven inches so that I’m looking straight at it, so that my head and my shoulders can position themselves in a straight line.

If you think about it, if you put together the desk, the monitor and the keyboard, and you get them all right, then you’re not straining your skeletal system nearly as much as normal sitting. And that’s how we want to be thinking when we’re thinking about sitting at the desk, is how do we eliminate strain on the skeletal system?

Presenter: Mr. Jackson Sayers, Kinesiologist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Kinesiologist

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