How does Central Sleep Apnea Affect You?

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Dr. John Fleetham, MD, discusses central sleep apnea symptoms and treatments.

Dr. John Fleetham, MD, discusses central sleep apnea symptoms and treatments.

Video transcript

Featuring Paul Sweeney, RRT

Duration: 1 minute

Central sleep apnea is a condition that is a lot less common than obstructive sleep apnea, but what happens is a person's brain essentially forgets to tell their lungs to breathe.

Subsequently a person stops breathing at night and repetitively wakes up from their sleep. If you think you have central sleep apnea, the easiest thing to do is talk to your family physician, and in certain situations a referral to a sleep specialist would be appropraite to look at this type of condition. And that's as easy as going to a sleep specialist who will do a test where you will sleep in a hospital overnight and they can test you.

If you have questions about central sleep apnea, contact your local sleep disorder specialist.

Presenter: Dr. John Fleetham, Respirologist, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Respirologist

Premier Practitioners

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Dr. Derek Dimenna

Leamington, ON
Dr. Joseph Daher

Dr. Joseph Daher

Leamington, ON
Dr. David Di Ponio

Dr. David Di Ponio

LaSalle, ON

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.