Can Exercise Induce Premature Labour?

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Dr. Karen Nordahl, MD, local  family physician, discusses Can Exercise Induce Premature Labour?

Dr. Karen Nordahl, MD, local  family physician, discusses Can Exercise Induce Premature Labour?

Video transcript

Featuring Dr. Karen Nordahl, MD

Video Title: Can Exercise Induce Premature Labour? Duration: 47 seconds

There are no studies that suggest exercise will bring on labor.

If you are prone to premature labor, it is important that you either cut back or reduce your exercise program in your third trimester. If you are in your third trimester of pregnancy and your pregnancy is progressing absolutely normally and well, it is completely fine to continue on with your exercise program.

The one thing to remember is your body is going to send you messages about how hard you can exercise and how long you can exercise. It's important to follow your body's direction.

If you are at risk for premature labor, it's important you check with your healthcare provider before you continue your exercise program at this stage in your pregnancy.

Presenter: Dr. Karen Nordahl, Family Doctor, Vancouver, BC

Local Practitioners: Family Doctor

This content is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.