Case study ( 7112 views as of March 26, 2025 )
Chris, a 17-year-old male competitive skier, fell while downhill sking and had immediate acute pain to the knee. He attempted to continue sking but was unable to turn hard without ongoing pain. He stopped sking. He did not notice any swelling but applied ice right away. He was told by the team trainer that he likely had an MCL sprain.
Chris attended physiotherapy but continued to have sharp pain along his medial joint line with routine daily activities. He denied any instability to the knee or swelling.
Chris could benefit his condition by ongoing work with a physiotherapist to help him with mobility and a sports medicine physician to further assess his injury. A bracing specialist could help him with bracing options to keep him stable and active. He might need to get an MRI for a better evaualtion. Pilates and massage could also help with his range of motion, swelling and pain. Lastly, an orthopaedic surgeon could help with a surgical consultation if imaging shows that Chris' pain is due to an MCL tear.
Author: Dr. Jordan Leith
Conversation based on: What is Meniscus Tear Diagnosis and Treatment " Chris a 17-year-old male competitive skier "
What is Meniscus Tear Diagnosis and Treatment " Chris a 17-year-old male competitive skier "