Case study ( 7456 views as of March 26, 2025 )
Sandra, a 22-year-old woman, complains of irregular periods and hair growth. She has had irregular periods for 10 years and currently has approximately six periods per year. She has increased acne and hair growth on her chin, front chest and back. She saw her physician and was noted to have elevated male hormone (testosterone) levels. Sandra was told that she may have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and was referred to an endocrinologist.
The endocrinologist ordered some more tests including other hormone testing and an ultrasound of her ovaries. Her other hormone tests were normal. Her pelvic ultrasound showed multiple small cysts in both of her ovaries. The specialist confirms the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Treatment options were discussed and she was prescribed an oral contraceptive agent to treat her irregular periods, acne and hair growth.
Sandra could also benefit from recommendations from her pharmacist. It is important to utilize lifestyle options such as yoga, considering nutritional counseling to improve outcomes, and increasing activity levels to promote general well-being.
Author: Dr. Sabrina Gill
Conversation based on: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome " Sandra a 22-year-old womanwith irregular periods and hair growth "
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome " Sandra a 22-year-old womanwith irregular periods and hair growth "