West Island Womens Centre
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Outreach Programme
The Women’s Centre endeavours to provide support to all of the women who seek its services – mothers, women with part-time or full-time jobs outside the home, seniors, and women in financial difficulty. Our outreach initiatives are an opportunity to reach women who are not served in great numbers by our core women’s programme. These groups include female adolescents and women who have recently immigrated to our country.
Support Groups

Fall 2010:

* Dreams and Goal Setting
This support group will be facilicated by personal coach Rosi Di Meglio, and will start in October.

*Dealing with Aging Parents
This support group will be facilitated by Claire McLeod, BSc Nursing, and will start in October.

*Healing Together (Will continue after the summer break, on September 21, 2010)
Healing together is a support group for women coping with a miscarriage, still birth, or infant death. This group will help you to:

    * Meet other women who have experienced a similar loss
    * Feel comfortable expressing your sorrow and pain
    * Share your experiences
    * Talk about your baby
    * Feel understood
    * Work through the grieving process
    * Find hope.

Healing Together meets on the third Tuesday of every month, and will resume on September 21st.
A different topic is discussed at each monthly meeting. If you would prefer to just come and listen, you are welcome to do that too.

The meetings will be led by Lois Stenberg, a family life educator, and will be held at the new location of the West Island Women's Center at 11 Rodney (entrance at Vincennes, off Belmont Avenue). Pointe-Claire, from 7 to 9 pm.

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