Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank Network (Think Tank)
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Videos by Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank Network (Think Tank)

In early 2013, a national group of leading healthcare professionals specializing in the care, treatment and research into T1D and vocal, concerned patients with T1D sat down together. Their conversation was at times intense, at other times humorous as they shared their individual stories about living a life with T1D or working with those who do. Their conclusion? More – a lot more – needs to be done to improve the lives and health of those with T1D and improving lives means a very simple thing had to change in physician offices, diabetes treatment centres and other healthcare settings: better communication based on a mutual understanding of the patient experience. The Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank Network was born. ACTIVITIES The T1DTTN brings the patient voice and experience to the centre of important conversations in the healthcare space. Through a creative, story-centred approach to problem solving, the T1DTTN creates a truly collaborative environment where challenges are discussed with patients and their experiences help drive solutions for healthcare professionals working in diabetes. GOALS Improve communication between Patients and Healthcare providers. Elevate HCP Standard of Care provided to T1D Empower patients with skills for better self-management of T1D Identifying and mobilizing HCP/POL mentor advocates as a consultative forum for current and future practice behaviour

Type 1 Diabetes Think Tank Network (Think Tank) Practitioners