Skin Vitality Medical Spa
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Medical Services

At A Natural Advantage/Skin Vitality Medical Spas, our goal is to provide you with the best service and solution for your-á laser aesthetics, skin rejuvenation, body contouring and anti-aging needs.-á Using state of the art elos laser technology and the latest and best injectable products such as Botox-« and Juvederm, we are committed to exceeding your expectations as our patients.

Our medical services include:

Our medical team is committed to:

  • taking the time to understand your concerns and needs.-á Our medical consultant will provide a complimentary analysis of your skin.-á She will recommend a program consisting of suitable Elos technology combined with prescription skin care.-á-áIt is our-ábelief that you should be the best you can at any age and we-áwill help you achieve this goal by educating you-áand introducing you to non-invasive techniques that can-áhelp you achieve a-áyounger, healthier-áappearance.

  • Your services are provided in our warm and relaxing spas located in the Greater Toronto area. We are open evenings and weekends for your convenience.

  • Our highly trained staff includes Dr. Jennifer Rotstein, Barb Mitchell RN, 20 Medical Estheticians and 20 Medical Consultants.-á and medical aestheticians. Our commitment to ongoing training and new technologies ensures you will receive the best results.

Call today and ask to speak to one of our Medical Consultants for your complimentary consultation, skin-áanalysis-áand-áfree introductory treatment.

Our vision is to help you look and feel your best.