Restore Vein and Skin Centre
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The Restore Vein and Skin Centre is a leading edge facility for skin health and cosmetic medicine servicing patients in Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley. We pride ourselves on practicing evidenced-based medicine and following best-practice guidelines which help establish the foundation for exceptional patient care. We strive to be a centre of excellence for the procedures we perform. Our practitioners continually update and improve their skills by regularly attending workshops and conferences. Our clinic boasts the latest skin cancer diagnostic equipment as well as state of the art technology for both medical and cosmetic treatments. Every product and procedure we provide meets the highest standards of safety, while delivering superior results with as little downtime as possible. We understand that patients lead busy lives and it is therefor our goal to centre our services around these criteria. As experts in the field of cosmetic medicine, we have the privilege of helping patients attain their aesthetic and skin health goals. We take this role seriously and build our practice around meeting our patients’ needs. For more information, please contact us at

Restore Vein and Skin Centre Practitioners