Paris Pedorthics Services
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We do more than make foot orthotics. We use our expertise to reduce pain and improve lives. The Paris Pedorthic Services team provide expert solutions for people suffering from a wide range of foot and ankle problems including: plantar fasciitis, heel pain, heel spurs, bunions, knee pain (like patellofemoral pain syndrome), general foot pain and many other conditions associated with flat feet, high arched feet and over-pronating feet. We specialize in complex foot and ankle pathologies that afflict elite and recreational athletes, those who suffer from arthritis and diabetes and everybody in between. We have been working collaboratively with Vancouver area physicians, surgeons, podiatrists and therapists for over 25 years. These health care professionals trust us to help improve the quality of their patient’s lives. For information about satellite clinic locations and available hours, please call 604-736-6537 Paris Pedorthic Services is a division of Paris Orthotics Ltd.

Paris Pedorthics Services Practitioners