Navigate Financial Group Ltd.
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Our goal is to provide a competitive benefits plan for our clients that runs smoothly, is cost effective and worry free. We achieve this goal by providing ongoing education to our clients so that they are able to make more informed decisions. We provide the best customer service available. Once on board, smooth sailing is our focus. We are ALL accessible to our clients and their employees. We strive for same-day response to any incoming correspondence, either by telephone, fax or email. On an ongoing basis, we do complete service calls based on the client’s requirements, so that we maintain contact on a regular basis. As part of our education process, and to help clients keep up-to-date with industry related news, we provide a quarterly newsletter, “News & Views".

Some of the more in-depth issues that we, as experts can provide are as follows:

  • aid in identifying and solving problem areas with regards to structure and tax effectiveness
  • executive compensation—identify and reward key employees through enhanced benefits—key to employee retention
  • ensure Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability programs offer adequate replacement income for employees
  • insight into how benefit products are priced
  • information on all the factors that go into developing rates
  • ability to challenge unjustified rate increases effectively
  • cost containment strategies
  • ongoing management of group plans
  • recommend changes as company evolves
  • the opportunity to explore the advantages of Self Insuring (ASO - recommended for groups of 80+ employees; however could suit smaller firms as well)
  • conversion of traditional plans to Retention Accounting or ASO

Together, we will assist you:

  • in designing your plan;
  • implement a new plan, or amend an established plan;
  • actively manage your plan;
  • tackle any issues which alleviates the plan administrators workload; and
  • restructure as group demographics change.