Moksha class (90 min)
40 poses practiced in a heated room designed to promote openess through your hips and strength through the upper body while detoxifying your entire body. Both standing and seated poses are practiced, giving a balanced cardiovascular practice.

Moksha class (75 min)

The regular Moksha class, just a little shorter. Each pose is practiced only once.

Moksha class (60 min)

The regular Moksha series condensed into one hour. The poses flow together with fewer pauses than the 90 minute class creating a vigorous, fun and quick class. Great for beginners.

Moksha Flow (90 min)
The regular Moksha series connected by flowing transitions.  More use of downward dog vinyasa flow and less space between postures.  A great intermediate step on the way to level 2.

YIN Yoga

Gentle yoga with long holds designed to strech through deeper muscle tissue and fascia. All poses are practiced on the floor. Suitable for all levels.

Karma Class (Friday night 8:30pm by donation - min $5)

The regular Moksha series practiced in one hour. All proceeds go to a different charity each month. An affordable class for someone looking to see what this "yoga thing" is all about.

Silent Led Class (90 min)

The regular Moksha series led by the instructor without any verbal instructions. This is a wonderful class for students who are familliar with the Moksha series and wish to regulate their own practice and bring a meditative element to their class. Not recommended for beginners.

Silent Led - (60 min)

This class has the same premise as the 90 minute silent class, but is shorter.

Ashtanga Level 2, reduced heat
Ashtanga Yoga is the name given to the system of yoga taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India. This method uses a powerful flowing practice that involves synchronizing breath and movement through a set series of postures (Half Primary Series), reduced heat. This class is not recommended for beginners.

Moksha Level 2

For those students who have practiced the Moksha series for at least 20 classes, the Level 2 classes are a venue for students to challenge their practice. The regular Moksha series acts as a frame for the class, while new and more advanced postures give the class a new and exciting flavour. Each Level 2 instructor adds their own flare, thus no two Level 2 classes will be the same. Expect longer holds, more meditation, increased breath work, advanced concepts and a great way to shake up your practice. Not suited for beginners.

Hatha Flow
A class designed for students who are looking for ways to shake-up and challenge their practice, but are not ready yet for Level Two . The regular Moksha series works as the frame for this class, while new postures are introduced which work similar muscle groups as the Moksha postures.

Anusara is an elegant practice based on Universal Principles of Alignment and following a heart-centered Tantric philosophy.  Expect detailed instruction in the alignment of each pose and transition, within a class that holds the spiritual purposes of praticing yoga as paramount.  Reduced heat. Suitable for all levels.

Restorative Yoga

Slow down and take some time with a quiet class designed to bring the body into complete and total relaxation.   Through the use of props and supports we will allow the body to rest and renew, while the mind is calmed and soothed.

Community Class

A 90 minute class taught by a recent graduate from the Moksha Yoga teacher training program. All classes are $5.00 and are a great opportunity for students and teachers to share their knowledge and experience with each other. Feedback for the learning teacher is encouraged!


A combination of Yin yoga and a meditation practice.  This 90 minute class will consist of an hour and ten minute yin practice, and a 20 minute guided meditation.  Various methods of meditation will be explored.  Suitable for all students, those with a regular meditation practice and those just starting out.