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To improve the health of our clients, by providing a superior, annual health exam which focuses on identifying and preventing disease before it advances.

We will do so through exhaustive disease risk assessment, advanced screening technologies, and the development of an individualized health strategy.

Medpoint Values

We believe in client-driven service that provides timely, customized, collaborative care is a dignified stress free environment.

We believe in the central role of comprehensive risk factor assessment and screening technologies in the early detection of disease potential.

We believe in empowering individuals to make informed decisions regarding preventive healthcare and treatment.

We believe in supporting our associates in their ongoing professional development and their efforts to make positive choices regarding lifestyle modification and proactive health management

We support the central role of the family physician in providing patients with their ongoing primary care, while recognizing the inherent fiscal and time restraints of family practice today.

We firmly believe that a focus on risk management and prevention will have a major role to play in easing the strain on our public health care system.