Hyak Wilderness Adventures
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Each river has it’s own specific time when conditions are best for rafting.

The Chilliwack River being a smaller river is at its best during May, June and July when the snowmelt provides enough water to create the exciting whitewater it’s so well known for. By August the River becomes shallow and rocky and loses its appeal.

The Thompson River in contrast is a very large volume River, the third largest river in BC. During the spring and early summer the Thompson’s rapids tend to become washed out and unpredictable. As the river drops, generally by mid July, the water is getting closer to the profile of the bottom creating large exciting waves and rapids and is at its best during the months of August and September. The river trips and packages we offer are planned so you may experience each river during their safest and most desirable conditions.

The rafts we run are all self-bailing oar and paddle rafts. Each rafter will work as part of a team paddling while the guide still has the ultimate control with his large set of oars. Together everyone works to maneuver the raft and safely negotiate the rapids. River rafting is an ideal team-building event!