Dental Clinic @ Richmond Center
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At Richmond Dental we use only the highest quality dental products and services and we will consistently provide you with a superior level of treatment and comfort.

This is the state-of-the-art dental care you deserve.

Our practice is committed to provide you and your family with the best possible dental care available. Every member of the Richmond Dental Team takes pride in providing quality treatment in an utmost professional manner.

Our goal is not only to treat your current dental problems but also to educate you in preventing further tooth decay. We are proactive in helping you maintain your smile at its best for the years to come.

The treatment recommended by us for your oral health depends on your individual condition. As a result, each treatment will be carefully customized after thorough diagnosis. It is imperative that you continue home care of your teeth and gums in addition to scheduling your routine dental cleaning and professional exams as recommended by our office.

It’s incredible! With the new CEREC technology, beautiful all-porcelain crowns, inlays and onlays can be fabricated in just one appointment. With computerized imaging, design and shaping, the crown can be milled right in our office.

Diagnodent is a revolutionary non-invasive laser tool that is highly effective in discovering small problems before they become big, expensive ones.

Imagine—no drills, needles or traditional fillings! For treatment of early decay, HealOzone may be your best option. The entire procedure is fast, easy and totally painless.

Cosmetic Dentistry
We’re pleased to be able to bring a whole new look to your smile with our cosmetic dentistry. Through the latest dental technology we can give your teeth a whiter more attractive and healthy look with bonding, veneers, crowns, implants or bridges.

If you've lost a tooth, consider dental implants. As a cosmetic enhancement to your smile, they are indistinguishable from real teeth. Implants serve as a replacement for the natural root of a missing tooth and help restore that beautiful smile.

Intraoral Camera
With our state-of-the-art intraoral video camera, we can take you on a tour of your teeth. The camera, about the size of a pen, can give you a close look and you see exactly what we see.

New, efficient and completely safe—laser dentistry is sterile, generally doesn’t require anesthetics, takes less time, and you don’t get the vibrations or the shrill sound of a drill.

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